Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Sunday update

It was a nice weekend. John made a big fuss over my book proof — he said little about the dedication (he’s very shy about any attention focused on him, unlike his girlfriend), but I know it pleased him greatly.

He had a surprise for me too!

Aren’t they gorgeous? He put his hands over my eyes when I was walking into his living room, and there they were on the dining table. I carefully brought them home tonight. Whatta guy, huh? 🙂

OK, so I’m up to page 85 of my final read. So far, I’ve seen one missing closed quote. If that’s the only typo, I will be surprised. But of course, I’m seeing other bits that I want to tweak. I promise, this will be the last time. I promise. Once I do these last-minute tweaks, I will resubmit the proof; they have to approve it again (rolling eyes). And when they do, I am not going to request another proof. I’m going to say “finito” and put it on sale.

After that, I’ll have to do some reformatting and so forth to make a version for the Kindle. First things first. Fingers crossed that I’ll be able to figure that part out myself. But in the meantime, the paperback version will be available.

I won’t be seeing New Guy tomorrow (sniff), but I’ll use the found time to get this thing read and fixed already. I’m hoping to have it finalized before the week is out. Then I can celebrate once again with him next Monday. Can’t have too much celebrating, can I?

This afternoon, I showed John a couple of the clips from Spanking Court. He watched closely. Too closely. Gave him ideas. Damn that Court Disciplinarian anyway. 🙂 

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, particularly you Crimson Moonies in Chicago!

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14 thoughts on “Sunday update

  1. Thanks for the update.


  2. The flowers are gorgeous! John is quite a guy. Happy tweaking! Don't overdo it.Hugs,Hermione


  3. Hi Erica, The flower's are BEAUTIFUL :-)John is an AWESOME guy. I can't wait to buy your book cause it's going to be VERY interesting to read.Happy Tweaking my very dear friend 🙂 take break's as well while tweaking, Sending lot's of Love and big hug's your way,From your naughty girl Jade xoxo


  4. I, too, will be needing a copy of that book. Congratulations've done something that most of us will never manage.


  5. Erica,I am so happy for you. John knows how to pick beautiful flowers! How sweet of him.Here is a bit of writing trivia: Ernest Hemmingway revised the last paragraph of "The Old Man and the Sea" 30 times. That's right. 30 times! Now don't you go doing that or you will be in big trouble. LOLSo he watched the clips a bit too closely, eh? Not that you mind, of course. 😛


  6. joey — my pleasure. :-)Hermione — I won't, I promise!Jade — yes, he sure is. Hugging you back!Dana — dare I suggest you need two copies? You know, a spare to drop in the bathtub. ;-)Bobbie Jo — yikes! Seriously, 30? Well, he WAS Hemingway. It had to be right.No, I didn't mind. 🙂


  7. Aw! How sweet!I can't wait for this damn book!!!


  8. Craig — me neither! 😀


  9. What beautiful flowers, lilies are my favorite!


  10. Lea — I love them as well! And they combine so beautifully with roses.


  11. We Crimson Moonies had a marvelous time! I missed not being able to keep up around here! But that's what happens when a Top you don't see very often, shares a room with you. (oh the things I endure when I'm unable to read your blog)spewsssssssss! LOL


  12. Zelle — uh huh. Yeah, SUCH endurance. (snort!)


  13. (weg)… 😉


  14. Found you on Amazon, gotta make a purchase now.ThanksBandit


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