Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Archive for the month “April, 2021”

Correspondence Hall of Shame, 4/23

What, did you think I’d croaked or something? Nah. I just didn’t have anything new to post, other than the broken record about waiting for vaccines and wanting to play and so on, and I know that was tiresome, so I decided to be quiet until I actually had something else to say. And in the meantime, of course, the pervos weren’t quiet, so here’s a new selection for you.

I.would warm those bare booty cheeks up.real.good with the.belt.and after I would definitely cuddle u n my arms and kiss u why I’m softly rubbing and caressing all over that bare booty

You would, huh? Would you also explain all those random periods?

YOUR NEW MASTER AND KING Ok Great If your Real and looking for a relationship Lets talk OK This is DADDY Xxxxxx from Xxxx Xxxxx Ca. Contact me at and give me all your info with pic and when can we meet this week for real

Make up your damn mind — are you master, king, or daddy? Never mind, I don’t want any of those. Yes, I’m real. Unfortunately, I’m afraid you are too. No, thanks.

I am only looking for my all-in-one-slave: my partner, my love, my best friend, my whore, my bitch, my slut, my slave , i am an extraorthinary master, because both worlds will be work together. Most of my life will be shared – only a few things will need time. But i am a touchy person and also very body focused – also when we will know you are my girl

She’s a partner! She’s a love! She’s a best friend! She’s a whore! She’s a bitch! She’s a slut! She’s a slave! She crawls on her belly like a reptile… oh, wait, wrong song. To find such a woman would truly be extraorthinary. Sadly, I am not that woman. Move along.

You seek very hard use and long term slavery? How masochistic are you? You very obedient?

No. Not. No.

My subjects end up with a darkee color as Im I’m applying a lot more speed and impact force to it. Not to brag about but several of my subjects pee without them knowing.

Your subjects? Are we talking about this “king” shit again? And… um… can someone please explain to me how making someone pee without their knowing it (and really, how the @#$% is this possible) is something to brag about?? If I were ever OTK and peed on a man, I think I’d commit suicide from sheer mortification.

And finally, this isn’t really a CHoS entry; it’s not rude or obnoxious, but it made me giggle. It was a friend request on FetLife.

Him: Hi, Erika. I’m @xxxxxxxxxxxxx on Twitter. We’ve been friends for years. ………. Hello!!! *big virtual hugs*
Me: Hello! Soooo… we’ve been friends for years, but you don’t know how to spell my name? 😉
Him: Oops

I accepted his friend request. It’s all good.

So, what’s been going on? Mostly work and dealing with the wait for vaccines. At the beginning of the month, I finally became eligible, so I made an appointment immediately and got my first Moderna vaccine on April 5. John got his a few days prior. I will be getting my second one on Monday, May 3.

And on Monday, May 17, I have a play date. First time I’ll be playing since February 2020.

My friend in Oregon has been keeping up regular correspondence with me this whole time, and never wavered in his desire to come visit me when it became safe. He will be driving, so no Covid exposure. He’s fully vaccinated. And I am fully confident that I’ll be in great hands. I have not seen him for several years, but I have fond party memories of him, and emailing with him has been very enjoyable.

When we made our plan earlier this week, this was part of his email correspondence. No shame here…

Nice slow warmup until you are glowing an all-over red.
Then a good, long, hard hand spanking.
We will see how you are doing, and then bring out the strap or leather paddle.
Once I have you wiggling nicely, we can move to the hairbrush and we can push just a bit.
Mmmm…I am soooooo looking forward to that!

Oh, good Christ… me too. fanning self furiously

The pandemic is far from over, but I believe we’re turning a corner. I think the wait and caution will be well worth it. Both John and I managed to escape this damn thing and we’re still being extra careful. My gym reopened, but I put a freeze on my membership for six months. I’ve worked out at home for over a year now and I don’t feel the need to go back when they’re only operating at 10% capacity and there’s a million regulations and restrictions. And even though restaurants are back up for eat-in business, we’re still getting takeout.

I mean, let’s get real here. I love some individuals with all my heart, but people on the whole? I’m in no rush to rejoin society. As I said in a tweet a while back: I can’t wait to get my vaccines. Then I can stop avoiding people because of Covid, and go back to avoiding them because they annoy the fuck out of me.

Have a great weekend, y’all. Stay safe.

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