Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Archive for the month “September, 2013”

Can I just say…

…that if I don’t engage in some really intense spanking play soon, I’m going to explode into a gazillion tiny pieces?

(sigh) The end to this spanking exile is on the horizon. Steve is moving tomorrow. After that, it’s done. All the packing and prepping and arranging and hassles will be behind him. He’ll still have to settle in, but there won’t be any rush. It will be time to celebrate. 

To get back to normal. I must be patient just a little while longer.

Reading about all the playing and the upcoming parties on FetLife isn’t helping. Perhaps I need to stay away for a while. (Yeah, right. Ms. FetLife addict is going to stay away from there.) It’s kind of like being put on a sugar-free diet and then constantly staring into bakery windows.

I need that fix. I need that pain and pleasure and release. That special connection with my top. Soon. So soon. Good things come to those who wait. Think of how delicious it’s going to be…

Meanwhile, last Friday, John was at a Kaiser outpatient clinic, getting a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE, for short). In short, they sedated him and put a tube down his throat so they could closely examine the back of his heart. It took about an hour-and-a-half and I waited there so I could take him home afterward. We had both expected him to be out of it and uncomfortable after it was over, but he was fine. He even wanted to go out to dinner, when I had been prepared to pick up some soup or something for him. Next, he has to get the results on a CD, so he can take them to another doctor for a second opinion; that will take a couple of weeks. And so it goes. Next weekend is his birthday; ours are 13 days apart. It’s been a stressful time, so I think celebration is due for him as well, now that that test is behind him. 

Onward. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and hope you had a wonderful birthday, Bonnie! 🙂

More spanko nostalgia

I was going through some old CDs and found one with some pictures I’d forgotten about. I posted one of them on FetLife, just for kicks, and the reaction was so positive, I thought I’d elaborate here.

The year was 2000; although I’d officially come out into the spanking scene in 1996, 2000 was the year that Erica Scott was born, and I did my first video. My co-star was Alexandria Panos, another newbie, who subsequently formed her own video production company, which she called Impressions. Besides the videos, she also made t-shirts, tank tops and panties with spanky phrases on them.

That summer, she asked me if I would do a photo shoot with our friend, the very talented Andrew Morgan, modeling some of the shirts and panties for her site. Of course I said yes, and we set it up so that Andy and I could shoot at a house where we were attending a party. It was an outdoor shoot, on a clear sunny day, in a beautiful back yard with a pool, palm trees and lots of greenery.

Mind you, this was my first experience with professional photography, and I was no fashion model. Granted, I know there’s a lot more to photography than meets the eye. I was once told that for every one good shot, there’s about 25 bad ones. And I’m fully aware that before Photoshop, there was airbrushing. Still, models seem to have an instinct about playing to the camera — a tilt of the head, a thrust of the hip, just the right amount of smile. When I am relaxed and natural, I can take some very nice pictures. But if I’m trying too hard to be “model-y/pose-y,” I can come off looking stiff and fake. So I admit, I struggled a bit with this shoot, fun as it was. However, Andy was patient with me and we coaxed some good shots out of me.

Here’s the one I posted on FetLife.

I like the illusion that I’m not wearing any panties, even though I am. People seem to think the hair thing is sexy. However, I keep hearing my mother: “Get your hair out of your face!” LOL

This one, which I think you guys have seen before, might be my favorite. It’s pure Erica Attitude. 

Or maybe I was just ticked off because my butt was up against a rough palm tree.

I like the “sunlight in her hair” effect of this one:

A different approach, shot from below. 

This one would be a favorite, if it weren’t for that shirt. If you peer closely, you will see that it reads: “Good Girls Need Spanking’s Too.”

Goddammit. The plural of spanking is spankings. S-P-A-N-K-I-N-G-S. No @#$%ing apostrophe. Stop putting @#$% apostrophes in plurals!!

OK, grammar lesson over.

I know what you’re thinking. Oh fine, Erica — you’re only showing the ones you like. How about sharing a couple you weren’t too crazy about? All right, all right.

This one seems to be a perfect example of that fake-y “model-y/pose-y” thing I was talking about:

What the hell is up with that finger?? Was I going for cute and coy? Or simply attempting to dislodge a stubborn popcorn kernel?

And here’s one where I took the shirt a bit too literally. Nooooo, I don’t think this look does me any favors, either:

Gaaaaaaa! Keep that tongue in your face, Erica. Unless you’re licking an ice-cream cone. Or licking….

…said ice cream off your upper lip. (What did you think I was going to say?? Perverts.)

Good times. For those who are wondering, I haven’t had any communication with Alexandria for many years. The last I heard, she had dropped out of the video scene, gotten married and moved back east. I hope she is well and happy.

Funny thing — I got to keep both the tank tops. I still have them, tucked away in a drawer. But I never wore them again. Maybe I should pull that “Naughty Girl” one out sometime. 🙂

Birthday, to be continued

I really, really wanted to complete my birthday with a wonderful Steve session. But I knew he was torn in several directions, trying to pack his house for a move, preparing the new place (painters, etc.), work, his daughter, and so on. Still, I hoped that maybe, just maybe, it could happen anyway.

It didn’t.

However… when we spoke last night, he felt bad about it, and insisted on dropping by today, just for a short time. I said no, let’s wait, you’ve got too much to do, I don’t want to you be more stressed, I don’t want to put more on your plate. “I want this on my plate,” he said. So I said OK.

He turned up on my doorstep at 11:00 AM, and when I opened the door, my mouth dropped open. He was loaded down with a vase of tulips and a cake box. 


And look at the pretty card…

I was overwhelmed. I didn’t expect any of this. I can’t believe he took the time to go get these things, even when all the stuff he has going on. When I told him he didn’t have to, that it could wait.

He couldn’t stay long — just long enough to catch up a bit and for us to scarf down a slice of cake apiece (Red Velvet! Yum!). No spanking. But he said that’s coming. My birthday is To Be Continued, still.

Not sure when it will be, since next Monday is his actual moving day. It may be two weeks. But at least I know it is coming. That things will get back on track. That I will have my joyous connection and fulfillment, my stress release, my top, once again.

Happy me. 🙂

Birthday sweets and treats

It’s been a lovely birthday weekend. John did his best to make it special for me, starting with sending me birthday roses a week early, so I could enjoy them all last week before the event. Aren’t they beautiful?

Last night, we went to the California Canteen, one of our favorite restaurants, where I stuffed myself with fettuccine in herb-tomato sauce with grilled vegetables. Our server was kind enough to shoot a picture for us:

And then it was on to Aroma Café, where we were very lucky — they still had some German chocolate cake left!

Look at the size of that thing! (that’s what she said) And we completely demolished it. 

Today, my actual birth date, we went to our usual brunch at the neighborhood Denny’s, where I got a free birthday breakfast. I love love love Denny’s pancakes — but every now and then, the cooks are a little stingy with them, making them a lot smaller than they usually do. When that happens, I eat them anyway — but not today! When our regular server put our plates in front of us, I took one look at those shrunken little flapjacks and blurted, “Nahhhh, they can do better than that — it’s my birthday!” LOL! I’m such a brat. Our server, who quite adores us, understood completely, whisked them away and returned with two new ones that were about twice as big. John just shook his head at me. “You sent back the pancakes??” “Come on, did you see the size of those things?” I retorted. Yes, size matters.

After I said goodbye to my beloved and came home, I had an overwhelming amount of treats in store. I went online and found dozens of emails, FetLife messages and wall posts, and even Facebook posts, all wishing me Happy Birthday. I didn’t know who to thank first… my head was spinning. 

Included was my annual birthday greeting from Dave Wolfe, who never forgets me! ♥ He apologized for not creating a Wolfie Toon for me this year, but this is just as good. Some of you will recognize this still from my all-time favorite mainstream spanking scene, from Wagon Train‘s “The Maggie Hamilton Story” with Robert Horton (playing Flint) and Susan Oliver. Wolfie did a bit of doctoring to it, of course.

I know it’s hard to read the cartoon balloons. The horses are saying, “I just LOVE this show!” and “Our man FLINT! WOOOO!” Robert is saying, “THIS’LL teach you to go around WAGGIN” YOUR TRAIN!” and I’m saying, “Oh, for Pete’s sake, who wrote THAT, WOLFIE??!” Why yes, he did. Thank you, darlin’.

(If you click on the picture, you can see it larger and more clearly.)

Thanks to my John, and to everyone who remembered and cared and expressed such sweet sentiments — you guys brought tears to my eyes. Really. 

Almost makes aging worth it. 😉

Had to laugh

Last night while on FetLife, I dashed off a bit of writing, very brief, describing a text conversation I’d had earlier that I found amusing. I figured it would pass into the nether regions of Fet, unseen, but this morning I logged on and found over 30 comments on it. Since it took off so unexpectedly, I thought I’d relay the story here as well, since it’s been such a slow news week.

So I’m texting with a young woman whom I won’t name, because I don’t wish to embarrass her, but I’ll just say that if you put this girl on a Cute-O-Meter, it would explode. We were chatting about giggling during spanking, and how tops seem to seize upon that as an opportunity to spank harder. She then texted me a photo of her making a sad, pouty face, and I said that I didn’t see how anyone could spank her, with that face. It was that adorable.

She suggested I should try making that face myself.

“Honey,” I replied, “you can pull that off, because you’re 20-something and cute as a button. If I made that face, people would think I was constipated.”

What can I say? It’s true! There are simply certain looks one can’t pull off successfully at a… er… somewhat advanced age. sigh

Such is life. Smirking was always more my style, anyway. That, and the “righteous indignation” face. 😀

(from Sarah Gregory Spanking, The Rude Innkeeper)

Speaking of age… another birthday on Sunday. Tomorrow night, birthday dinner and dessert with John; going to one of our favorite celebration restaurants, and then of course to our favorite coffeehouse, in hopes that they’ll have the German chocolate cake I’m so enamored of. Steve is busy getting ready to move, but I do hope to see him Monday. What’s a birthday without a spanking, right?

Have a great weekend, y’all.

OT: "Bad Dog!"

Today on her Wednesday Win post, our Hermione takes a trip down the memory lane of early computers. You know, DOS? (taking a pause while those of a certain age say, “WTF is DOS?”) The Microsoft Office paperclip assistant? I thought I’d piggyback on her post and add one of my favorites.

Back in the dark ages (1990s), there was a company called After Dark that made some really cool and creative screensavers. Some of them were so entertaining, you’d let your computer time out on purpose just so that you could watch them. One of the most popular ones was called “Bad Dog.”

Basically, it was just a Windows screen, but then a little black-and-white dog would scamper on and wreak all kinds of havoc. He’d dig holes, bark and howl, track dirt everywhere, jump into folders and destroy them, etc. The longer the screensaver was on, the more damage he’d do. Every once in a while, a voice off-screen would scold, “Bad dog!!” Then he’d tuck his tail and whimper for a second… and then get right back into making mischief.

After Dark is out of business, which is a shame. But you can still look at the mischievous pup in this YouTube clip.

I wonder if they ever had a “Bad Kitty” counterpart. That’s what John calls me. 🙂

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