Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

An addendum to last night’s post

Since my buddy Zelle posted three anti-Christmas links in comments last night, I was reminded about this bit of footage, the mother of all Grinch-y sentiments. And because I’m just in that kind of mood, I’m going to post it. If I don’t laugh, I cry. Laughing is more fun.

WARNING: This is RUDE. Please, if you do love Christmas, or you don’t like the f word, don’t watch this. But if you do, make sure you listen all the way to the end, after all the clapping. 🙂

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27 thoughts on “An addendum to last night’s post

  1. rofl.. my sentiments exactly.. LOL – but then.. I'm feeling awfully cynical about now .. LOL


  2. Zelle — s'OK. Me too.


  3. Hi Erica, that xmas song was so bad but i liked it hehehe LMAO :-)FUCK THE APE SHE CAN GO TO HELL, hehehe LOL.She slipped and fell in the parking lot today and hurt her leg now she has a big egg size bump on her i guess karma is a BITCH after all hehehe LMAO :-)she is nothing but a PRICK i am happy that she got hurt i can't wait to email you later i have a lot to tell you about what she did to me today 😦 I Love You, big hug's from your naughty girl Jade XOXO


  4. Jade — remember, that really angry stuff stays between us, OK?


  5. Erica,You sure can find 'em. I think deep inside a lot of people are in this boat. LOL I will say that Mom and I did have a lot of fun making the cookie cutter cookies and I had a blast decorating them. She would also make a Hungarian cookie that was very labor intensive, thus only made at this time of year. The recipe called for, now get this, 12 separated eggs! They are not very sweet, but if you put enough of the ground walnut mixture in them, they were very good. I still have the food grinder Mom used. Turned by a hand crank. Labor intesive. Oh, the separtated eggs? The yolks went into the dough and the whites were part of the nutmeat filling. Dough was rolled into balls, chilled and then rolled out in a circle. Labor intensive. A spoonful of the filling was put it the middle of the dough, the dough was rolled up and the ends were pinched together to form a crescent shape. Did I mention they were labor intensive?


  6. Bobbie Jo — good grief. That does sound like a lot of work. But if you guys had fun doing it, then more power to you. 🙂


  7. Well, it was Mom who made the Hungarian cookies. Both of us made the cookie cutter cookies. That was a lot less work. We also made something much easier: chocolate chip cookies. I would make them sometimes, too. I'm a chocolate chip cookie expert. I was going to use the word for con… but I can't remember how to spell it. LOL


  8. I'll have to come back and watch it another time. I'm in the office right now:)Love,Ronniexx


  9. Sounds like you feel about Christmas the same way that I feel about valentines day.Sorry but Christmas is an important celebration for me (and I'm not even a Christian), so I think that we will have to agree not to agree on this one. Hope you enjoy January 2nd :)Prefectdt


  10. Prefectdt — s'OK. I really don't mind if people disagree, as long as they do so nicely, which you did! :-)I used to hate Valentine's Day, until I met a man who made the day beautiful.


  11. Well, that clip suits my mood just fine–Holidays be damned! Actually, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and presumably I'll be in a better mood by then because I'm cooking for John's family at their place. But at the moment, I feel fairly Grinch-like, though I've managed to keep it under wraps and not be cranky around dear, sweet John.


  12. Dana — you're cooking??? Oh, gawd. I love the meal, but I'd rather endure a hemorrhoidectomy than prepare it.


  13. Erica,Good gravy! As much as I dont' like to cook, I would rather cook that do what you suggested.


  14. Yeah, I'm cooking. It's kind of expected since I'm a "pro." I just wish I were more in the mood… I was supposed to meet with a potential new top yesterday evening, but he canceled on me, and now I don't know what to think: did he have a legitimate excuse, or did he just chicken out? It's likely I'll never know, and that adds insult to injury. I met with someone else the other day, but it seems pretty clear that we are not ideally suited. Nice guy, though. Just not right for me. So the search for a top continues….


  15. Ah, Erica's idle hands… a lovely video, and I will share it, maybe learn to hack the Times Square big screen and play it on that!


  16. Dana — oh, hell. What's with these guys!Danny — oh, pleasepleaseplease! Yes! Be a good computer whiz and figure that out, will ya?


  17. ROFL! Omg, that is an awesome song! I have to find out how to get that one on my MP3 player.


  18. Hilarious clip! I love Eric Idle.Hugs,Hermione


  19. Hermione — he's a hoot, huh?


  20. I downloaded it and shared it with a couple at work who were ROFL. Love it. 🙂


  21. Well, I love Christmas and I listened to it anyway. Now what?


  22. Eric Idle is fuckin' hilarious!! (Always look on the bright side of Life!)There used to be nice little breaks in the liturgical / yearly calendar that eased the dreariness of life– but somewhere down the line they decided to stretch one event out of all reasonable proportion, making it more noisome than the rest of the year put together.So I ignore all that as much as possible, play lots of "Twisted Christmas" tunes by Bob Rivers, and enjoy my own preserved family time!!


  23. Bob Rivers? You never heard Bob? Here ya go, "CHIPMUNKS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE!"


  24. Lea — played it at work, huh? I wanna work in YOUR office! LOLCraig — yeah, but did you LIKE it? :-)Wolfie — I love love LOVE Bob Rivers. John and I know all the words to "Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear." (Later on, if you wanna, we can dress, like Madonna…)


  25. The restroom door said 'Gentlemen,' so I just walked insiiiiide–!!;-)


  26. "Now I've got two black eyes and one high heel up my behind…"


Come on, you know you want to say something.