Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Erica’s party rules


So, the Shadow Lane party in Vegas is upon us in a little over a week, and FetLife is all a-flurry with introductions and networking and pre-party information. All good. Also prevalent is the usual list of behaviors and suggestions for having a good party, for what to do/what not to do, etc. All very good. Party veterans take the time to share their tips for how to maximize the party experience, what pitfalls to avoid, what is considered good spank-fest etiquette (and what isn’t), and so forth. I have done this myself.

However, this year, I am short on time and on patience. Between the stress of dealing with fraudulent activity on my checking account, the extreme heat, the stock market, way too many people acting like dicks on FetLife, and fretting about/missing Steve, I’m simply not my usual benevolent self.

(Taking a pause while you all choke on your beverages.)

Therefore, I am simplifying. Want more detailed tips? There are many to be found, and I suggest you read any and all you can. And please don’t take me too seriously, because I’m doing this with tongue firmly embedded in face cheek. But really, no matter what you read, it all boils down to Three Simple Rules.

  1. Be nice (polite, warm, friendly, insert your favorite positive word here).
  2. Don’t be a douche.
  3. If you really don’t know the difference between being nice et al. and being a douche, then try this: If what you’re doing isn’t working for you, try the opposite.

So there you have it, kids. Short and to the point, didn’t make your eyes glaze over, didn’t make you feel like you have to read an Emily Post tome on etiquette. Just remember this: At a spanking party, masochism is welcome. Massengill is not.


(And seriously — have a good time. If you see me there, do say hello; I’ll be nice, I promise. πŸ™‚ )

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16 thoughts on “Erica’s party rules

  1. Erica. Spanking party etiquette. When you use a CANE. Don’t be a PAIN. Or, if you use a STICK. Don’t be a PRICK. When panties are DOWN. Don’t leave a FROWN. or you will asked to leave TOWN. The party will be GREAT. If you Don’t MASTERBATE. etc. XXX Luv ya.


  2. Well said!!! I hope you have a blast!!! And I hope life settles down for you for a bit( or s long while) and that Steve’s does too so that you guys can get back onto your regular rhythm!!


  3. Downunderdon on said:

    Have a fun time!


  4. CarolBeth on said:

    Erica, I hope you are spanked so much and so often, worries leave your head for awhile! Seriously, have a great time. Someday I may be brave enough to attend.

    My best to Steve on a continued recovery.


  5. Six — ha!

    KB — I certainly hope so.

    Don — will do my best!

    CarolBeth — thanks. His life has been turned upside down, but he’s rolling with it.


  6. Anonymous on said:

    So in other words if someone approaches you smelling like vinegar, you’ll run away? πŸ™‚


  7. Anonymous — hmm. Well, I can think of worse things they could smell like, I reckon. πŸ˜‰


  8. I think there’s a little bit of douche in all of us, but I try to avoid it every chance I get.


  9. Anon E. Mouse on said:

    Have a great time and strive to leave your troubles at home. Sadly, they’ll be there when you return.

    A tip of the cap to your friend Six for a witty comment but masturbate is the proper spelling. As Shakespeare said, “Ah, there’s the rub!”

    Sorry, but I’ve done my share of proof reading too.

    Anon E. Mouse


  10. Mouse — I made a promise long ago that I would never correct my friends’ or my commenters’ spelling (unless they ask me to), lest I discourage them from communicating with me — but yup, you’re right!

    Of course, the CHoS types are an exception. πŸ˜‰


  11. Anonymous on said:

    Great party advice! I’m a lurker and fortunately have been at parties that you are also at and you are the nicest and most remarkabl person I’ve ever met! We don’t know each other but maybe someday, I’m usually on a family vacation during the SL September party so please remember you probably have 1000’s of lurkers waiting to enjoy your party report!


  12. Anonymous — really? Now I wonder who you are! πŸ™‚ Thank you so much.


  13. Jadelyn Mathias on said:

    Hi Erica β™‘ Have a great time at the party πŸ™‚ I really like your party rules, They are staight to the point and easy to follow πŸ˜‰ The pic of the dough bag made me LOL, you are too funny.Wish I was going to the party, I really want to meet you and John and a few others :-(. I can’t wait to read about it and see some pics πŸ™‚ Much Love and hugs from naughty girl Jade / Emily Jean β™‘


  14. I can not go to Shadowlane this year but next year my girlfriend and I will be there. I am however meet a good friend for dinner who is going. Maybe meet another friend on Friday. You have a good time ad we hope to meet you next year.


  15. Jade — well, it won’t be for another week yet. But soon. πŸ™‚

    Bob — next year, then!


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