Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.


Fourteen years today for J and me. Ours is a relationship that is unorthodox and incomprehensible in some ways, and couldn’t be more traditional in others. But whatever it is, that inexplicable and illogical something-or-other that connects people, we have it. He can drive me mad (and vice versa), but I adore this man. Can’t imagine my life without him.

One of his co-workers (female) had told him, “Oh, you have to take her to see Eat, Pray, Love. And then right afterward, make sure you have a reservation to a nice Italian place and take her there for dinner.” That’s exactly what he did. When he first told me we were seeing EPL, I thought, “Are you out of your freaking mind? Of all the chick-flicks out there now, that’s the chick-flickiest.” “Trust me,” he said. So we went and watched Julia Roberts gorging on pasta in Italy, praying in an Indian ashram and canoodling with the uber-gorgeous Javier Bardem in Bali. It was a well-done movie; definitely a chick flick, but sumptuous with scenery and Roberts was perfection in the role. And afterward, sure enough, I was craving Italian food.

We then went to Old Town Pasadena to our favorite little Italian cafe. I often get a warm seafood salad there, but J said nooooo, you have to get pasta tonight, and I agreed. So I had cioppino (seafood stew) over linguini — sooooooooo good! I couldn’t finish it all, so J was happy to do so.

Afterward, we walked all around Old Town, went to the bookstore, etc. I was wearing a short skirt and J was mischievously reaching up my skirt and grabbing my butt every chance he got — on side streets, in a deserted bookstore aisle, on our way out of the movie theater. We were parked at the end of a dead-end street, so when we got back to my car and I was opening the door, he swooped up behind me and lifted my skirt to my waist. “What are you, ten?” I screeched, and tried to pull it back down. He wouldn’t let me!

I’m telling you, the man is the devil.

He wrote me a poem (which he does every year on our anniversary and on Valentine’s Day, and has been doing that since we first met), and since today is the actual day, if I know him, flowers will be delivered later. I do love my big devil. 🙂

Perfect ending to a perfect weekend? I was driving down the curving canyon road that leads up to J’s house, looked to the side and saw two deer. Since I had my camera with me, I tried to get a picture, but by the time I pulled over, got the camera out of my purse and turned on and opened the side window, they had turned and were heading up the hillside. Still, I figure getting their cute little tails was better than nothing.

I am a city girl, and canyon life wouldn’t do for me. I don’t like the fire hazards and the mudslides and all the bugs and spiders and other wild critters. But I do love deer. How anyone shoots these animals is beyond me.

No spanking this weekend — J was saving me for the SL party, I think. Whatta guy, huh?

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

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21 thoughts on “Anniversary!

  1. Hi Erica,That's so sweet. Happy anniversary to both of you….and have a fabulous weekend!Hugs,Bonnie


  2. congrats on the aniverasy and the abilities to nuture a long relationship.have fun in vegas and i'll catch up with you a week [recuperation] after. and forget the wave, too many cpmplications.go for it,ddon


  3. Happy anniversary to you both and that sounds like a perfect evening. Sometimes a girl should watch a chick flick, it just suits some moments.You saw their scuts! The deer I mean. I think people that shoot deer should get hunted themselves. (I don't really think that. I just think they should stop. Maybe they should watch EPL.)


  4. I am wishing you and J a very happy anniversary today my Erica.sounds like you had a wonderful weekend i am so happy for you, that pic of J is so funny hehehe and cute the deers in your pic are adorable no animals should be shot thats very in and J are both wonderful.Love you big hugs from your naughty girl Jade xoxo 🙂


  5. It's not every day you run into a significant other that will take ya to a chic flick… much less have it be THEIR SUGGESTION! You're such a good man "J".. ya lil devil! LOLSometimes we have to just stop and smell the roses huh Erica? I like bambi too! This one was out back of a hotel in the poconos where I was staying. He got this close cause I was eating an apple. (grins)


  6. Bonnie — thanks! I'm planning on it. :-)ddon — thanks; yes, recuperation will be essential!Poppy — back in the day when people had to kill so they could eat, that's one thing. But for sport? UGH.Jade — he's a nut, but he's my nut. :-)Zelle — oh my goodness, that is one of the most precious photos ever!


  7. Adorable…J Devil and the deer. So the chick flick is worth the $10 ticket price?


  8. Congratulations, Erica! Wow, poetry and Italian food–I can see why you're in love!


  9. Congratulations on keeping it together all these years! Something tells me that if J didn't have a bit of the devil in him you wouldn't continue to be interested all these years. That picture of J is hilarious!I can't remember the last time I saw a chick flick–I'm not really the type–but if you say it's good, I'll put it on my netflix queue.


  10. Happy Anniversary to both of you! Have a wonderful time this coming weekend, too. Can't wait to live vicariously through you and all the other bloggers attending. 🙂


  11. Kelly — worth full price? Nah, not really. A matinee or wait for Netflix? Sure. Dioneo — welcome! Yes, J is a bit of a romantic, even though he's one of those logical engineer types.Dana — he's always doing that when he's shampooing; pulling his hair into devil horns, or into one big point over his head (like that old Martin Short character, Ed Grimley). I just had to take a picture. :-)pink — thanks! Perhaps someday you'll make a party?


  12. Happy Anniversary. Sounds like it was a nice relaxing weekend.


  13. Happy Anniversary!Looking forward to seeing you and J at SL!


  14. iggy — thanks, and it was. Well, except for when the maniac was pulling up my skirt. :-)Craig — I can't wait to see you!


  15. Happy belated Anniversary. Your evening sounded lovely. Have a wonderful weekend.Love,Ronniexx


  16. Congratulations, Erica, and best wishes for the future.


  17. Ronnie, Lorraine, thank you! 🙂


  18. Belated and heartfelt congratulations to a couple who understand "happily ever after" includes occasional conflict resolution (of the serious or silly sort)and to J, who knows a gorgeous fanny when he metaphorically and literally grabs one. (Right on, dude!!)


  19. Wolfieeeeee! Thank you, sweetie. 🙂


  20. hehehe happy anniversary!!!I must say, I disagree with your love of deer ( I tend to think of them as the vermin of the forest…much like rats or pigeons.) Growing up on Long Island I developed an unholy hatred of deer and the ticks that bear their name use them like pub trans…did you know Clinton almost died from lime disease?Thank you for posting a picture of J in his true form, I had mental images of J with similar horns and that same devilish grin, LOL!hugs, it was great seeing you both!sarah


  21. Sarah — he really is the Devil, isn't he!It was great seeing you guys too! 🙂


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