Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Rhythm of the Rain

It’s a rainy Sunday night, but not cold enough to close the window. So I sit here near the open living-room window, listening to the quiet drizzle outside and feeling oh-so serene. How is it that rain depresses some people? I wish I understood that. OK, when it’s coming down in sheets and torrents for days on end, causing mudslides, it’s not so great. But nights like this are like a healing balm.

Anyway, an old song comes to mind, from way back in the Dark Ages (i.e., the 1960s), called “Rhythm of the Rain.” It’s a very sad song, actually. The first verse goes:

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain 
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again
Of course, as I hear these lyrics in my head, my mind transforms them to:
Listen to the rhythm of your falling hand,
Telling me just what a brat I’ve been
I wish that it would stop and let me catch my breath
So I could sass you once again
That’s all I got, folks. I read the rest of the song’s lyrics — mushy stuff about how this guy’s girl left him and took his heart with her — and my inspiration dried up. Perhaps I’ll finish the song if the parody muse comes through for me.
Or how about Eric Clapton’s “Let it Rain”?
Let it rain,
let it rain,
Let your hand rain down on me…
Ugh. That sucks, Erica. Give it up.
Never mind. I will have a good Halloween song parody for you later this week.
J is a little better. I have a fresh new episode of Desperate Housewives waiting for me on my DVR. And I’m playing tomorrow. Beyond that, at the moment, I don’t care. 🙂
When it’s raining, the world is mine.

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10 thoughts on “Rhythm of the Rain

  1. LOVE YOUR PARODY! I could actually get into humming a few rounds of that! Especially this week with the CCM party about to commence! My first tete a tete is Tuesday! woohoo.. sing it Eric C.!I love rain songs.. I love the rain. We had a gully washer here tonight.. well technically last night. High winds too. Those are scary..Glad J is better! Have fun with NG tomorrow.I'll drop ya a note from the party!Zelle


  2. I love that Eric Clapton song. Is HE a spanko too? 🙂 Can't wait to read about your latest bratty escapades with New Guy. It would be pretty funny if when he knocked on your door, you decided not to let him in right away, wonder what his patience level is like.Though when I do read, I may be standing or kneeling on my chair since I am FINALLY meeting Pixie tomorrow!


  3. I like the parody; never thought of substituting "hand" for "rain", but I will next time I hear the song. We have rain in the forecast all week, and it's NOT nice when it's cold rain. That's the only kind we have at this time of year.Hugs,Hermione


  4. I can not believe you left out the very best one. "Dancing in the rain"We finally got some rain here last also. Hal


  5. I have this Madonna song stuck in my mind that I think could make a great paradoy. It's the song "Hanky Panky" and I am sure that by changing just a few words around…oh, wait…nevermind.


  6. Zelle — have FUN! 🙂 Play lots and lots!Kelly — oh my, that's tomorrow already? Well, you have fun too, and big hugs to Pixie.Hermione — cold rain just makes me wants to bundle up and be cozy indoors, wrap up in a blanket and eat soup. Still love it. 🙂 But if one has to go out in it, not so great.Hal — well, you've got me. I've heard of "Singin' in the Rain," but not "Dancing in the Rain." Although technically, Gene Kelly did sing AND dance in the rain.Paul — you're silly. But I still like you. 🙂


  7. Hello my Erica i love your songs you make up they are very cool and funny hehehe 🙂 i miss you i have a funny idea for you while NG is spanking you sing that song you made up i dare you it would be funny hehehe. i made up a spanking song too, come on NG set my bum on fire try to set my bum on fire you know that it would be cruel if i said F-YOU to you then that would mean i am sassing you then you would take the belt to me i would be crying so much that i just can't see so come on set my bum on fire.hope you like my song for you hehehe its really light my fire from the Doors. i love you big hugs from your naughty girl Jade xoxo


  8. Jade — Ha! Well done. No, no singing for me. My voice sucks, especially when OTK. 🙂


  9. EricaTry 'Rainy Night in Georgia' by Tony Joe White – it's on Spotify for freeDarren (doonstar)


  10. Doonstar — love the song, but isn't it Brook Benton? Or did both of them record it?


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