Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Back home — it’s catch-up time!

I have so much to write about and so many pictures to share, I don’t know where to start! But I guess I should just jump in and start somewhere.

I had so, so, SO much fun, I really didn’t want to leave! But I know I had to get back to real life. For a little while, it was suspended: No gym, no chores or errands, no bills to pay… just fun and silliness and work/play. Our host K and Paul and Sarah were so good to me and I enjoyed them all a great deal. Not to mention the doggies!

You know, Paul and Sarah have so many irons in the fire, it’s a little confusing to try to explain just what I worked on. Paul has the one big project, which I believe he’s going to call Spanking 101 — that’s the sort of instructional series, tons of clips with voiceovers. But he also has clips he is uploading called Spanking Shorts. Plus, Sarah is shooting content for her own site.

So, on Monday, I shot five clips — two were for Spanking 101 and three were for Spanking Shorts. On Wednesday, the three of us shot three longer clips, which will go up on Sarah’s site. We were going to do one more for Spanking 101, but I was absolute toast by then and knew I couldn’t give it justice. No worries, Paul said. They’re going to be shooting this stuff for the next several months and they’ll have me back for more! 🙂

Wednesday, the first two shoots were a bit more complex. In the first one, we had an authentic schoolroom setup with old-fashioned desks — Sarah played a bratty student of a fancy private school and I was her teacher, frustrated because she just failed a test, getting every single answer wrong. I keep her after class, and she’s so snippy with me, we end up getting in a shouting match. Then Principal Paul hears the ruckus, comes in and spanks Sarah for her disrespect to me… then spanks ME for not handling her properly! We both get bent over the desk for yardstick swats as well.

The second one is realllllllly bizarre, but you’ll have to admit, it’s original! 🙂 I play Paul’s wife, and I’m frustrated because he never, um, pleases me sexually. So I hire a prostitute (Sarah) with the idea that getting pleasure from a male hooker would be cheating, but not from a woman. (How’s that for rationale?? LOL) Anyway, I give her $100 and just when she’s about to take off her dress and get started, my husband comes home unexpectedly. Of course, he spanks both his wife AND the hooker.

In the third, Paul and Sarah play guests at a Bed & Breakfast, and I’m a snotty waitress. Sarah leaves to get the car and Paul stays to give the waitress a special “tip.”

Sarah has more clothes and costumes than I’ve ever seen before all in one place. They shoot often at K’s house and she has bags and boxes and drawers and closets stuffed with everything you could imagine! In one large suitcase, nearly as big as the one where I packed my clothes, she has shoes alone… pairs and pairs and pairs. So I was able to borrow a dress from her for the waitress scenario, since I didn’t have anything that worked. She found an adorable schoolgirl outfit, but she had no idea where all her socks were, so I loaned her a pair of white socks. Oh, and she also very thoughtfully brought along a bagful of warm sweaters for me in case I needed them.

On Wednesday night when we were all done, the four of us went out to a wonderful seafood place to celebrate. Damn, that was fun! We stuffed ourselves (I hadn’t been eating much all week, due to shooting, but now I could forget about that), and I even had lobster. Paul insisted; he said I should get something I wouldn’t normally get, and if I liked lobster, now was the time to get it, being in New England. I haven’t had it for years… oh God, it was so good.

It started snowing (again!) while we were at the restaurant, so when we went to the car, it was falling. Paul and Sarah were laughing at me because I was so fascinated with it, lifting my face to the sky, dancing around, grinning like a silly child. Well, you know, I’m a California girl. The last time I saw snow falling, I was 13! Oh, and when we were leaving the house and walking to the car, for some reason, I thought I was stepping up on something and instead plunged my foot down into a snowbank, up past my knee. Paul nearly fell over, he was laughing so hard. Sometimes I am such a dork! Oh, and I forgot to mention this — when Paul, K and I went out to eat the night before, I put on a black knitted cap I’d brought. Everyone told me I had to have a hat. K gave me a down jacket and I put my own (unlined) coat over that, and then the hat — I looked like Nanook of the North. Paul and K laughed so much at my hat, I took it off and never put it back on again! LOL… screw the cold. I looked like an idiot in that thing.

Yesterday was a bit rough; we all thought at first that my 1:15 flight out of Hartford would be canceled, since all the morning flights had been. But it wasn’t, so K got me there a little after noon (I was panicking at first, since you have to get to LAX at least two hours in advance, but all three of them assured me it wasn’t the case here). I checked in, had enough time to get a bottle of water and a Connecticut magnet and boarded.

In Dallas/Fort Worth, I was supposed to have a two-hour layover. However, at the gate they asked if I wanted an earlier flight. I was so tired and spacy by then, I said yes, not thinking clearly. Yeah, I’d save an hour on this end… but then at the other end, I’d have to wait longer for my luggage. (groan) Not only that, but the luggage was delayed! So even though I got to LAX earlier than planned, I had to wait an hour and 20 minutes for my damn suitcase. And you know what’s weird? There are chairs all over the airport… EXCEPT in the baggage claim area. All those people waiting for their luggage, and there is not one seat of any kind to be found. I got so tired, I ended up just sitting on the floor, leaning up against a pole.

Finally got my bag, dragged myself over to the SuperShuttle terminal and got my ride. Of course, on the freeway heading for home, there was a massive accident and everything came to a halt. AAAAGGGGGHHH! Our driver cleverly maneuvered us off the freeway, took a detour for a few miles and then got back on the freeway ahead of the accident. Mercifully, even though there were four of us in the vehicle, he took me home first. Relief… it was 10 P.M. To me, it felt like 1 A.M. But I’d made it.

The one casualty? I left my cell phone at K’s. I borrowed someone’s cell at the airport to call and tell him — he’s mailing it to me.

Sarah loaded hundreds of photos onto three CDs for me. Unfortunately, one of the CDs was corrupted and I couldn’t copy any of the pictures on it, but I’ve written to her and asked if she would please send me just a few of the shots on it. I’m kind of bummed, because on that CD there were some incredible shots of the snow that she took with her telephoto lense, plus a very cute shot of me with the two dogs. But it’s OK. I have plenty of others on the other two CDs.

I have to go through all the spanking photos and select ones I like, reduce and crop them, etc. But in the meantime, here are some fun vanilla shots. Hope you like them!

The adorable Sarah Gregory and yours truly (wearing Sarah’s sweatshirt):

Sarah, Paul and me:

Sarah, showing how unbelievably flexible she is (yes, she has both legs behind her head):

And here’s me, attempting to do the same thing and failing miserably:

Here is Cocoa, the Doberman. Look how cute — she has one pointy ear and one droopy one!

And here is Max — I wanted to bundle him into my bag and take him home:

And finally, here’s a view of the snow behind K’s house, although it’s nowhere near as good as the shots Sarah got:

After I go through the photos, I’ll post more shoot-specific details with pictures. But for now, like I said, this is just catch-up. And I have to catch up on all the other blogs too!

Gotta head for the post office now and pick up my mail. Have a great weekend, y’all.

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26 thoughts on “Back home — it’s catch-up time!

  1. Glad you're home safe and sound, Sweetie. The pictures are adorable!xoxoxoLibby


  2. Erica, you look great, and I am very pleased that you enjoyed your 'spanking' journey to Conn, and made those three movies. Congratulations also on telling the story of your adventures there, and your interesting homecoming. Your use of words flow off your tongue with ease, which makes you a fabulous authoress, as well. Welcome home, from one of your ardent 'spanking enthusiasts', Luv ya.


  3. Girl, most us know how old you really are but you look twenty years younger in all of your photos – wish you would share your secret with us – Glad you had fun – keep it up Hal


  4. Libby — glad you like them!Six — actually, I shot eight clips; the three on Wed. and then five on Monday. 🙂 I was a busy girl! Writing about my adventures is always one of my favorite parts.Hal — thank you; I really don't see it! Felt like an old hag next to that pretty young Sarah, so it's nice to hear I didn't look like one! 😀


  5. Glad your home and safe and hopefully well spanked. ;)Laughed at your snow adventures but don't feel at all dorky, even us veteran snowbies get suckered in by banks and drifts. Still depressed that you came so near and I wasn't even able to give you a big Poppa hug…. Sigh.


  6. Hello my Erica i am so happy that you had a wonderful time 🙂 the pic's are AWESOME you all look great together, OMG the doggies are ADORABLE, i want to keep Max too he is little and CUTE 🙂 the pic of Sarah with both legs behind her head is totally COOL, i think you did a GREAT job trying to do it yourself, it looks sort of hard to do 🙂 glad you got home safe i missed you, Love you and big hugs from your naughty girl Jade xoxo


  7. Poppa — not a mark on me, but still tender. I took more hand spanking than anything else. Glad I wasn't too much of a dumbass with the snow… such a lightweight!Jade — aren't they the cutest things? They were so funny playing with each other, too. 😀


  8. Glad you had fun!


  9. Such a detailed and great report Erica! Love the candid shots you posted! OMG.. can't wait to catch those clips out and about on the sales sites of Paul and Sarah! OF course I'll have to add them to the repertoire of my HERO! (smiles)Oh! By the way, when I was in Chi-town, just before Christmas, I had not seen snow in 26 yrs! I was sticking my tongue out catching flakes and acting like I was 12 again! I had to traverse this little mound of packed white stuff in order to get to my "out of the way" snow angel stunt area. I thought that mound was solid cause snow plows had been pushing snow there for a week! NOT!! I stepped sorta over it, and sunk in up to the wazoo! Aacckk! I then nearly nixed my silly snow angel stunt cause now, I was frozen to the .. uhhh.. core!


  10. Erica,I love the photos. And the ones with Sarah and you with your legs up are something else. I can bearly get my knees up to my chest let along as far as you guys did. You do look great in the pics. I am so glad you had a lot of fun.


  11. Iggy — thanks!Zelle — LOL! It's amazing how foreign that stuff is to us, huh? And how much work it is to manage it. Nice to visit, wouldn't want to live in it!Bobbie Jo — her flexibility is amazing. Me… eh. I stretch a lot, but I have my limitations! 😀


  12. glad things worked ou so well.doesn't a corrupt dvd take bribes????the pic's are awsome.i hope john is feeling,ddon


  13. In spite of the ending travel travails, Erica, you sound refreshed and invigorated! Thanks very much for the richly detailed story, and, of course, the pictures!I'm considering making your flexibility photo my new desktop, only upside down, to further confuse people. Paul's projects are eagerly anticipated!


  14. P.S.– I appreciate the pooch pictures, too! Y'know, there was some TV movie about "KILLER DOBERMANS" which I couldn't take seriously at all, based on the Doberman Pinchers, er, Pinschers *I've* known!


  15. Happy your home safe and sound Erica. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.Loved the pictures. Look forward to reading more.Love,Ronniexx


  16. It looks like you had great fun, happy to see that you are safely home. I am still deciding which one is the worst – being stuck in long winded meetings or hanging around airports for baggage, flights etc HugsRaven


  17. Sounds and looks like you had an amazing time! Glad you made it back safely and looking forward to hearing aaaaall about it!


  18. Love the candid photos, Erica! I would say that the snow shot is beautiful, but I'm so sick of that crappy white stuff here. Is it May yet?Glad you're home safe & sound (& warm). Anxiously awaiting more — those videos sound like a lot of fun!


  19. ddon — believe me, I tried everything with that corrupt CD! Spent over an hour trying every program I had trying to open it… argh. One let me look at some of the photos, but not copy them.Dave — this Dobie was no killer. She was soooo sweet. :-)Ronnie — thanks! Yeah, the more I'm hearing about the mess back East, the more I realize it was miraculous that I got out of there!Raven — I didn't mind the wait for the flights, since I could get a snack, sit and read, etc. But that wait for the baggage was tedious, since there was no place to sit and I was so tired by then. Craig — more to come, definitely. Good luck with your own flights!pink — yeah, I know… what was a Winter Wonderland for me was a big fat pain in the a#$ for those who live in it! It's in the 60s here, and sunny… more my speed, I guess.


  20. Wrlcome back to the land of warmth! lol!HOW funny those scenes must have been. I can only imagine how rude you were as a waitress. 🙂 And classroom scenes are so exciting for me, so remniscent of my own horrid UNPUNISHED teen bratty classroom behavior. Thankfully Paul didn't "make" YOU spank Sarah. From your multiple scenes you really do know the right way to take multiple days of spanking by receiving mostly hand spanks. NG visit for this Monday?


  21. Kelly — planning on seeing NG, yup! Noooooo, I made it very clear early on that I don't spank, and I don't get spanked by girls. They were very accommodating to me and I had such fun with the versatility of the scenes. And oh yes, I was quite an obnoxious waitress. Sarah, as the customer, complained that it was cold in the restaurant, and I said, "I'M not cold — perhaps you have anemia."


  22. Erica,You can be sooo funny and bratty at the same time. LOL I can hardly wait to see what else you will be posting for us. I bet you are really looking forward to NG coming since you are probably ready for him right now. Do continue to let us know how things are going. I love the way you write, btw.


  23. Erica,Glad you're home safe and sound, loved the pics you posted.Is it Monday yet?Rob


  24. Bobbie Jo — growing up around a TV comedy writer does have its advantages. :-)Rob — no, not quite yet, but soon! New Guy has already informed me that his hand is itching for action.


  25. I love how you write of your time with us. I will get you the corrupt photos as soon as I can. We had so much fun with you. I am gonna do some blog posts on it too as I feel I have stories to tell of our time. Miss you lots and can't wait to shoot again sometime.


  26. Sarah — Hi sweetie! No rush on the photos; I know you have a gazillion things going on. I miss you too; I had so much fun with you!


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