Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Fun stuff

Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday greetings/ecards/tweets/wall comments, etc. It was great fun at John’s yesterday, checking on his computer every few hours for the various greetings. Wanted to share a couple of the fun things I received.

It wouldn’t be a birthday without some sort of treat from my dear friend Dave Wolfe. He created a Dark Shadows card for me this time, with some clever Photoshopping and funny verbiage. So here I am in a compromising position with my heart-throb, in THE LOST EPISODE:

Here’s the copy, since it’s hard to read:

The master of the great house of Collinwood is both disturbed and thrilled this night; for he is the solitary witness of an eerie tableau that no one else can see nor hear. Barnabas Collins, for reasons unknown and unknowable, has been watching a couple from the future, yet-unborn ghosts living one hundred years hence of the quieter world of 1870.
They are Quentin Collins and his lover Erica Scott, and, unaware that their drama has an invisible audience, Quentin sternly but lovingly punishes Erica for meddling with things a woman ought to leave alone. Erica protests that she only scraped a bit of paint away from the magical portrait of her paramour that he had hidden away in the locked upper room of the mansion, hoping to discover the truth of the Curse of the Full Moon, and was curious to see Quentin with a snout and pointed ears, because wolves are really, really cute.
Our story continues after these words from Palmolive Paddles, as gentle to Tops’ hands as they are tough on Bottoms.

LOL! I love you, Wolfie. Thank you.

And here’s a fun image I found yesterday on my Facebook wall (I’m reasonably discreet there, but people seem to know my proclivities anyway):

I’m not even a Star Wars fan, but this made me laugh. Particularly when a friend commented: “The Empire Strikes Backsides.” Thank you to the creator!

I wish I’d taken a picture of last night’s cake. They were out of German chocolate cake, so, since they had several shelves of wonderful-looking cakes and cupcakes and cookies and so forth, I asked the guy behind the counter to recommend a really good chocolate choice. He pointed out an enormous Bundt cake topped with thick frosting and large slabs of solid chocolate and said, “This is one of our best-sellers, our See’s Candy cake.” Oh, that’s all I needed to hear — y’all know how much I love See’s Candy. (It was either that or the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cake, but John doesn’t like peanut butter.) You should have seen the size of the hunk he put on the plate for us. I cut it in half and we had two normal-to-large pieces! I thought, I can’t eat all this. I just put away a plate of fettucini with grilled vegetables. But I ate every damn crumb of it. πŸ˜€

Birthday spanking tomorrow…

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31 thoughts on “Fun stuff

  1. Okay, you got me with that Star Wars poster! Fantastic!Happy Birthday (again!) Erica!Glad you had a wonderful birthday (sans German chocolate cake). Glad it worked out!


  2. Big Grin! I'm glad that made you chuckle! That plot is actually a little more straight-forward than some of the scripts they shot, and I thought my purple prose was stylistically correct. Happy Birthday Week and loads of love!!


  3. Sounds like a terrific birthday! I have seen the SW picture and it is great. πŸ™‚


  4. I am glad you had a great birthday. Spanked by Quentin Collins! Very cool!Hug,joey


  5. Erica, Happy Belated Birthday Greetings. May all your candles, burn brightly warm. Such as when given on your spanked bare bottom. XXX Luv ya.


  6. Very happy to hear you had such a wonderful day, Erica, and such a delicious cake. Happy belated Birthday. I hope you get loads of love and spanks from Mr D tonight.


  7. Erica,Happy belated Birthday. Great to hear you have a lovely day. Good choice on the cake and I'm with John – peanut butter yuck:)Enjoy your birthday swats.Love,Ronniexx


  8. Hi Erica — I am so happy that you had a great birthday and you and John had a good time you both deserve it :-)my dad made chocolate cupcake's on your birthday and they were YUMMY,so i kind of celebrated it with you even though you wasn't here :-)Getting spanked by Quentin collins is FREAKIN AWESOME :-)have fun with Mr.D tonight.Much Love and hug's from naughty girl Jade xoxo


  9. Your meal choice is delicious! But I would have wanted BOTH cakes! πŸ™‚


  10. Craig — well, you know, chocolate cake is still chocolate cake, even without coconut-pecan frosting. :-DWolfie — you got the prose quite spot on! Especially "the great house of Collinwood" and "this night." They used the phrase "on this night" so often, I wondered if the Collinses ever had anything happen during the day.Ana — isn't it great? I laughed so much.joey — I wish! Six — no more candles for me; too risky with that amount! :-)Terri — me too; I am looking forward to it!Ronnie — another non-peanut butter fan, huh? Ohh, but Reese's cups are soooo good!Jade — they had beautiful big cupcakes at the bakery too, all kinds. Alexis — this place makes an amazing fettucini with herbed tomato sauce and grilled zucchini, eggplant and sun-dried tomatoes; it is to die for, truly.


  11. A belated happy birthday to you, Erica! πŸ™‚ I hope you are going to get a great birthday spanking today!


  12. That cake sounds like a real pick-me-up! I'm glad that you had such a tasty birthday with John all to yourself. I'm sure that Mr. D will deliver what you need later today. πŸ˜€


  13. Kaelah — I hope so too. :-)Dana — yes, I could use it. Big time. πŸ™‚


  14. Happy Belated Birthday, Erica! I hope you got the birthday spanking you deserve tonight! I can't wait to read about it and I'm going to have to get the details on that cake…sounds amazing!xo,SC


  15. SC — well, not yet. (sigh) But tomorrow! Sorry about the wait… I know I am. But better late than never.Ever been to Aroma CafΓ© on Tujunga Ave., in Studio City? Best desserts EVER. Period.


  16. Glad you had a great birthday! Awesome cards! And a See's Candy cake?? Omg, I need to move to California.


  17. Lea — did I mention that the cake part had chocolate chunks in it?


  18. I'd love to try some of that cake! We can finally buy See's chocolate here – in a book store, of all places – and it's everything you said it was. Mmmm.Happy birthday!Hermione


  19. Hermione — See's is a lifelong favorite. I even like their dark chocolates, and I'm not a dark chocolate fan.


  20. Happy Birthday!!! Sorry it's late. Love the cards you got. Even though now I have to be jealous of fictional characters getting to spank you.Jon


  21. Jon — you're funny. πŸ™‚ No worries; I'm just getting my birthday spanking today, so it's never too late.


  22. A spanking for Yom Kippur. That's definitely a soul cleanser. Jon


  23. I love that picture of Quintin Collins spanking you. How dreamy for you. LOL I will be looking for your post about your session with MR. D. For birthday and Yom Kippur. Definitely soul cleansing and you will feel that blissful place called subspace. Enjoy yourself tonight.


  24. Bobbie Jo — He's supposed to be here at 1:00 or thereabouts. I've waited for this for so long, I'm almost afraid to believe it's really going to happen!


  25. So happy for you sweet. Happy Birthday. And many more. I've said this before but I'll say it again. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of the way you represent. You are a beautiful beautiful, proud, lusty, spanky, intelligent, crazyass, attention who — hog. Could I get sappier? You light up life. Don't make me sing that, cos I could πŸ™‚


  26. I wish I took an extra second to scroll down to see that you enlarged the wording on Wolfie's card. My eyes will never be the same. πŸ™‚ Happy birthday, I'm glad you had a nice weekend. You will have to go back to and get your German Chocolate cake next time. Did you get any birthday spankings yet?


  27. Emen — whaddaya mean, crazyass? I resemble that! πŸ˜‰ Thank you. You're very kind. But please, please don't sing me that song, or I may projectile vomit. (grinning)Kaki — oh dear! Yeah, I typed all that out, because there's no freaking way to read it. I was able to view it in my Picture Viewer and blow it up. And yes, I finally got my birthday spanking. I will blog about it as soon as he sends me the pictures. πŸ™‚


  28. Hee! I got an indirect shout out from Erica!!! And I second the sentiment from anonymous!.


  29. Maguffin — ha! Ladies and gentleman, the one who quipped "The Empire Strikes Backsides," my clever friend. πŸ™‚


  30. Erica!! So glad you had a good birthday, and a good birthday spanking… I love Wolfie's Dark Shadows thing! That is just perfect, and you should have it printed and framed. [tech note – get the full resolution version from him for printing]I also saw that shameful, stupid DS movie (on the flight back from vacation); I'm surprised that they got it so wrong, since I generally like Depp and Burton.I miss you lots and lots!D


  31. Danny — wasn't that dreadful? No wonder Jonathan Frid bought the farm right before it was released! I miss you tooooooo!


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