Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Spanking Tube video

OK, kids, I got brave. I posted my first video ever on Spanking Tube. Mostly I did it because I wanted to be able to embed the code and post it on here, which I will do below. But I know that Spanking Tube is rife with critics and a#$holes, who seem to exist solely to watch videos 24/7 and post rude commentary.

Sure enough, my video wasn’t up for more than a few hours when some jerk-off called me a “faker.” LOL! Let him feel that Delrin cane and see if he still thinks I’m faking.

Anyway, here ’tis:

I seem to be on a roll with videos lately. I posted four small clips on FetLife of Mr. D and myself, and all four made the Kinky & Popular page. The “loves” and comments have been gratifying.

People may not want to shoot with me anymore, but goddammit, I’m still a video presence. So there. :-Þ

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41 thoughts on “Spanking Tube video

  1. So you ARE enjoying your new computer! πŸ˜‰


  2. MrJ — oh, yes indeed!


  3. Methnks the lady doth protest too much. Such pulchritude!The Grinch


  4. Grinch — how lovely to hear from you in April. :-)_


  5. Erica,I know how much that cane stings and burns. I hate that plastic cane. I wrote about it for Ronnie. "Faker?" No way. I bet you wish you could watch that guy take some strokes from the plastic cane. Terrific video. You are the Queen of spanking videos.Hug,joey


  6. joey — thanks! See, the leg flick wasn't that bad. πŸ™‚


  7. Erica,Not much leg lick at all. My legs and butt would be dancing all over the place, and my toes would be wiggling like crazy.Hug,joey


  8. No, I meant that one quick flick of the cane on my leg. He's a meanie sometimes, but not a SUPER meanie. πŸ˜‰


  9. I have a bunch of self spanking vids on Spanking Tube. There were a few trolls who commented on my weight, but there were people who went after them for it, so it turned out to be more good than bad. Especially when people who know you start check it out, the good will outweigh the bad for you too. Maybe I should link my vids to my blog, it might boost my stats a bit. LOL


  10. Jen — so far, it's been just one negative comment. I checked out the guy's profile — no pictures, ONE friend, and a bunch of comments that he's written on his own wall. Including the latest: "Here we go again, Erica and her groupies." LOL! Guess he's not a fan, huh?


  11. NOT being one to take the high road, I would LOVE to call that douche lick on the idiotic comment, but I don't have capability on my computer to post comments on Spanking Tube. You're WAY more appealing on camera than some of the coveted stars I've seen. You know how much that ageism stigma pisses me off!


  12. Kelly — yeah, it is what it is. I had a good run, even if I never shoot again. And I'm still having lots of fun! πŸ™‚


  13. Erica, by my count, it was 26 swishes of the cane that landed on your delightful, delicious, delectable, derriere. Thanks for the Spanks. XXX luv ya.


  14. Six — you counted? Wow. πŸ™‚ Glad you liked it.


  15. He may have gone on there just to be able to complain anonymously because he knows you from other places online, or even in RL. Somebody got one of my trolls banned, and then he came back under another name, but it was obvious that it was the same guy. LOL There will always be annoying people online!


  16. Jen — in this case, I'm thinking not, since he's critiqued other vids as well. But yeah, I've had experience with that kind of troll!


  17. Erica, Ouch but interesting your usual banter and balk talk was at a minimum, nice but ouch!I adore your bottom and love the panty, great vid, thank you so much.AlwaysRon


  18. Ron — backtalk is greatly minimized when that cane is present. πŸ™‚


  19. Damn right you're still a presence, Erica. Video, visual, verbal and so much more. You are fearless, fantastic and fabulous. Okay, enough with the alliteration but it all applies. And to hell with all the ankle-biters who spew hate. "Faker" indeed. That a-hole don't know Jack, and he certainly doesn't know Erica Scott. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚


  20. Michael — ah, you are so sweet. Season is a lucky woman indeed. πŸ™‚


  21. Hi Erica — Your video clip is AWESOME :-)I can tell that the delrin cane is evil. That IDIOT had no right to put your video down,that made me angry 😦 You are NOT a faker. Everything you do is REAL.Much Love and hug's from naughty girl Jade


  22. Jade — it's OK. It's just one idiot. πŸ™‚


  23. Oh my God I hate Delrin.JGH57


  24. JGH57 — it's nasty, I agree. But the thin, whippy rattan canes break all the time. πŸ™‚


  25. Quite a hiding on a bum that had obviously already been spanked. You are one brave lady.John


  26. John — well, liking it does help. Sorta. πŸ™‚


  27. Smart lady!!AlwaysRon


  28. Tubaman and his big square noisemaker is a joke.A real hairbrush is always appreciated.


  29. Anonymous — that's not nice. 😦 And it's not true. I guarantee you, Tubaman used a real (and painful) hairbrush on me.


  30. It's a lovely caning. Very sensual. The disciplinarian is polite but firm. You took it like a lady. I enjoyed every stroke. I love the last minute attention to the back of the legs. When my Mom gave me the switch (up until I was 20 and moved out) she never let me off without a stripe on the back of my legs. In those days (early 60's) we still wore garterbelts and nylons EVERY DAY and the garter and stocking top rubbing against that welt was a constant reminder of who ran that household. Please don't be insulted, but I wish you got just a few more.


  31. Lady Doc — I'm not insulted. πŸ™‚ Remember, those were on top of a lot more spanking with other implements.


  32. The stroke on the legs made ME flinch! Ugh! I'm glad you were able to figure out the video uploading.


  33. Lea — it was light, honest. No evidence of it afterward. πŸ™‚


  34. EricaBeautiful intimate look into your feminine elegance submitting for your man. Very intoxicating scene in the confines of a relationship your are comfortable in.


  35. Pfelps — thank you. πŸ™‚


  36. Beautiful. I love his topping style! Gentle, courteous, nurturing manner combined with intense physical severity. Mmmmm, perfect. That spatula looks evil though!


  37. Pandora — isn't he delicious? I could lose myself in that voice. And yes, that @#$%ing spatula needs to go.


  38. God, what a top! Your ass is beautiful, Erica.


  39. Anonymous — thank you! He's something, isn't he. πŸ™‚


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