Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.


Steve and I missed two Mondays. Two weeks ago, he had scheduling conflicts, so we skipped. Besides, the A/C was broken and it was hot as hell in here. Then last Monday, he called me first thing in the morning with an almost unrecognizable voice; he said he had white spots on his throat. That is a sure sign of a bacterial infection, which was verified by his doctor later that morning. Ack. Yes, by mid-last week, I was a basket case, missing him. And the damned heat didn’t help.

But then the A/C finally got fixed, and Steve got well. And this Monday came, at last. 🙂

I was kind of bad on the 4th of July. I hadn’t seen him that past Monday, and while he was busy with a family barbecue, I was stuck home in the heat with a lot of work to do. I could have gone to John’s, I guess, but he was doing family stuff that day as well — going to see his mother, then his niece and her new baby. No, thanks! Besides, I did have a ton of work.

But by midday, I was restless. I couldn’t focus on my work, I felt isolated, I felt cranky. Sooooo… I decided to relieve some tension. 😉

When I was finished, I had a naughty impulse. I went to the computer and typed up an email to Steve: “Here’s something for you to ponder while you’re barbecuing your bratwurst — I just got myself off.” And hit Send.

Why? I felt like it. I enjoyed the idea of his squirming over that image while hanging out with his family. Yes, I’m bad. But come on, it’s not like I sent him a picture of me doing it! (that’s not sarcasm; I really didn’t)

So, um, we addressed that behavior this evening. He claimed he liked it. “OK, so what are you complaining about, then?” I protested. “Because I also enjoy delivering the consequences, even though I liked it.” So not fair.

He was whacking me so hard with wood and that damned Lexan, I couldn’t keep still and kept flailing and rearing up. “Top says bottom stay still,” he scolded, pushing me back down gently. “Bottom says fuck off,” I grumbled.

I was then ordered to repeat that. Hey, it was an order. I obeyed it and got nothing but pain for my efforts.

So good to have him back. 🙂

Later, just before he left, I confessed that I seem to have developed a fascination with “thigh turkeys” (hand prints). I keep seeing really crisp and clear ones on FetLife photos, and while I don’t like having my legs or thighs struck over and over, there’s something so amazingly intense about that single hard slap. It hurts like crazy, but I can muscle through that, knowing it’s already over. And I love watching the hand print bloom.

And so I initiated Steve into the thigh turkey world. He tried first with my right thigh and got a reasonably decent print. But then he really gave it his all with my left thigh.

Never fear, kiddies. I was a very happy girl, after I stopped feeling like someone had set my thighs on fire.

Yes, I’m so ladylike. Panties are from Target, by the way. I’m not big on spending a fortune for underwear. 

I’m sore and tired, and blissfully relaxed. It’s cool in here and I do believe I’m going to sleep like the dead.

Welcome back, my top.

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13 thoughts on “Finally….

  1. Sore, tired, relaxed – and happy.
    Well deserved consequence of topping from the bottom. ;-))


  2. Kelly on said:

    I say the racy pics only further served to brighten his day.
    Honestly! You do what you're told for once, and STILL get “punished.” Oh well, something tells me that was MUCH more of a reward. :)Your bum looks like it held the marks well, too.
    What are your thoughts on getting a switching from Steve?

    Those thigh marks are impressive. I have to say that over the years whenever I've been given a firm smack to the front of my clothed thigh or even a shoulder by someone who was in pseudo disciplinarian mode like a well known neighbor with kids or an older co-worker I would get that mental thrill that it could lead to more…elsewhere. 🙂


  3. So not “skeleton hand”? 😉


  4. Hi Erica — I am so glad you finally,got to see Steve 🙂 I was wondering why, you haven't been blogging about it.You look so happy that makes me smile 🙂 You are naughty just like me LOL.WOW Steve made some awesome,hand prints on your thighs.that looks like fun,I want to try that sometime.Your bum is a nice shade of pink.I heard that the Lexan is very wicked. Much Love and hugs from naughty girl Jade


  5. MrJ — is that what I was doing?? 🙂

    Kelly — nooooo, I didn't send him any pictures! Just a written message. I hate switches; they hurt like hell and they have way more potential of cutting the skin.

    Craig — that's probably a more appropriate name for it. But I guess “thigh turkey” sounds cuter.

    Jade — yes, Lexan is evil.


  6. sixofthebest on said:

    Erica, Here is something to ponder. A New York newspaper The Post, ran a story of Trigg Laboratories, a California company that invented a 'kosher condom' for you might have guessed it. 'Big Pricks'. or better known to us as a 'kosher pickle'. I thought of inventing a 'kosher spanking'. You do it with a 'Big Schtick'. You mustn't me. It's getting to be HOT on both coasts. East and West.


  7. Six — I do believe I'm speechless. 🙂


  8. Ouch, those thigh prints look painful! How long did they last? Glad you're happy. 🙂


  9. Ana — the right one is almost gone, except for a small smattering of red dots. The left one is still quite vivid! But it doesn't hurt at all today. 🙂


  10. “Top says bottom stay still.” Was he practicing his cave man impression? Haha. Glad you finally got to catch up on your time together. The idea of my thighs being smacked hard enough to leave that mark makes me wince. It makes for a cool picture though!


  11. Lea — well, you mark easily. So the good news is, it probably wouldn't take much of a slap, for you! 😀


  12. Wow, nice and interesting spanks… the panty my dear!


  13. Ron — thanks. Target! 🙂


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