Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Palm Sunday?

All due respect to my Catholic/Christian friends, but when I realized today was Palm Sunday, my first thought was “Hey, that’s a great name for a Sunday spanking party.”

I shared this thought with John, who immediately feigned indignation. “You’re terrible. That’s sacrilege. Steve’s going to hear about this.”

Please. At the moment, Steve is in the middle of nowhere (i.e., Coachella Valley) at a music festival, camping out with thousands of other people whose sanity I question seriously. After three days of no sleep and pretending he’s 18 again, I reckon he’s going to feel more like he’s 80. So I’m not worried. :-Þ

Besides, I’m an equal opportunity blasphemer. Tomorrow is the first day of “my people’s” big important holiday. I could sure go for a Passover satyr.

What? Did I say something wrong?

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26 thoughts on “Palm Sunday?

  1. I'm sure you need more than just the palm, this holiday


  2. Woodstock 2014? πŸ™‚


  3. Erica – That's really quite clever, and not at all offensive, IMO.

    We have a procession, with palm leaves or branches (whatever they're called) every year on Palm Sunday. When we are all lined up, waiting for the signal to go, there are usually several people swishing their palms in simulated flogging motions, sometimes with added sound effects. So I always think of it as a bit of a kinky parade.



  4. That was excellent Erica. I love poking a stick in the eye of stuff. My Catholic relatives would go ape-sh*t crazy if they knew how I spent Palm Sunday. Happy Passover …. can't wait to hear about it.


  5. MrJ — probably. πŸ™‚

    Kelly — more like a Woodstock Wannabe, I'm thinking.

    Hermione — I think I would enjoy that parade! Is “frond” the word you're looking for?

    sub hub — thank you, but I really don't do Passover. I haven't been to a Passover satyr… er, Seder, since I was a kid. They bored the life out of me then!


  6. Bobbie Jo on said:

    Palm Sunday. Passover. Seder. Good Friday. Easter Sunday with the bunnies and eggs all over the place. Eggs and bunnies?! How did they get into the mix? It's a long story! πŸ™‚


  7. After all these years as an S&Mer, all the reminders that I posted regarding The Lupercalia and The Eastern European Easter celebrations, it never even dawned on me to associate Palm Sunday with Spanking!

    I feel as if I missed the boat on that one. It is so perfect! I hope that someone takes advantage of this next year. Perhaps, if I am in a better income, I will. πŸ™‚


  8. Bobbie Jo — I'm sure it is!

    Loki — it's just how my brain works, I guess.


  9. OMG Erica you are too funny LOL πŸ™‚ I am Catholic and I don't find it offensive, I find it humorous πŸ™‚ You came up with a good one,I think it is a WONDERFUL idea πŸ™‚ I think all us Spankos should get spanked on Palm Sunday it would be fun πŸ™‚ Don't worry about Steve finding out what you wrote,When he gets back he will be way to tired to spank you LMAO πŸ™‚ Much Love and hugs from naughty girl Jade


  10. Jade — yeah, I'm not concerned. πŸ™‚


  11. Did you say something wrong?

    HFN! (Hell fucking no!)

    I'm Catholic, and love being palmed; getting strapped, too, ain’t bad either! Why not raise a little cane while we’re at it, no?

    Keep in mind, though, it's been quite a while since I was eligible to receive the Eucharist. Oh well.


  12. I am sure Steve will find plenty of energy to use his palm (and maybe a frond) on your posterior. I think youn wrote that specifically to 'bait' him into ensuring your do not forget the passover celebrations of your (even if lapsed) religion….


  13. AP — don't feel bad. I don't even know what a Eucharist is.

    Beanpole — actually, no, he won't. Not this week. *sigh* But perhaps next week.


  14. Erica,

    I attended a terrific spanking party on Palm Sunday. My palm was red hot most of the day. And, my bottom was red hot as well from the palms of several lovely ladies.



  15. I had a friend that made implements. He made a implement using part of a palm frond. He took the bottom of two palm fronds glued them to and placed several coasts of lacquer on them.. I took it and hit it in my palm. It was the stingest thing I hatve I have ever felt. After a few swats with this you can be sure it would light up a bottoms butt. He was willing to made one for me but did not have the money. I showed it to my bottom and tested it in her hand she begged me not to get one at the same time she was rubbing her bottom.


  16. joey — there ya go! πŸ˜€

    Robert — yeah, I think I would have passed on that as well.


  17. Me, feel bad, not likely.

    During Communion, the Eucharist is the symbolic body of Christ. Actually, it's a tasteless wafer the Priest either places directly on the tongue of the chaste (not me) or in one's hand. I'm happy to watch from the pews.

    The act of Communion is meant to help the parishioner attain Christ mind.


  18. Anonymous on said:

    The business of the rabbits & eggs goes back to ancient times when people found plover's eggs lying on the ground on grass that looked like a hare's sett. They thought the hares had laid eggs. Nothing to do with religion or fertility. Sorry I can't relate it to spanking.



  19. Anonymous on said:

    Hi Erica

    I don’t know why anyone would be offended by this. The new Testaments strongly recommends the laying on of hands. As a Christian I’ve always assumed this was referring to a pretty female bottom. I know it works wonders for my wife. And any reader of your blog must surely to be aware that it also works in a Jewish household.



  20. John — bleh. Now if those eggs had been brightly colored and/or chocolate, then that would really be worth commemorating.

    Attila — well, you know how it is. Religion is a touchy subject, which is why I generally avoid it. But this was irresistible. πŸ™‚


  21. I don't mind the ” Palm Sunday Spankin Party” as long as no one is planning on hiding Easter eggs !!! πŸ˜€


  22. Anonymous on said:

    I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by this. I was just kidding around and this seemed appropriate to the subject. After all, we’re not doing serious theology here. But again sorry for any offense.


  23. You didn't offend anyone — not that I know of, anyway! No worries. πŸ™‚


  24. D — yeah, a future post will address that. πŸ™‚


  25. Anonymous on said:

    Plover's eggs were regarded as a delicacy by English aristocrats. In “Brideshead Revisited” Evelyn Waugh wrote of Sebastian Flyte's joy at receiving them in his hamper from home while at Oxford.


  26. I justy spent three days in Dallas doing the same Woodstock thing, was amazing and let us please face the fact that a hand spanking is the best spanking


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