Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Did you miss the super blood moon?

Here’s an indoor version! 😀


Oh, come on. Someone had to do it.

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12 thoughts on “Did you miss the super blood moon?

  1. Erica, your Blushing bare bottom MOONS outshine them all. Oh ! how I would love to place ‘six of the best’ strokes of the cane on those voluptuous mounds of yours. XXX Love ya.


  2. We did get to see it here in Maine…clear skies…But I like your version also….
    I think yours is redder than the Blood moon


  3. Blood moon yes, eclipse, no.


  4. Anon E. Mouse on said:

    Do you have to wait 33 years for a re-occurrence?

    Anon E. Mouse


  5. And me without a straw hat and ukulele for serenading! Nice job!!


  6. Jadelyn Mathias on said:

    Hi Erica ♡ I did see the moon but like you said clouds covered it so I didn’t see any red it was just white. Your pic looks much better LMAO thanks for sharing and for the laugh I needed that 🙂 You are too funny LOL 😉 Much Love and hugs always from naughty girl Jade / Emily Jean xxxxx ♡


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