Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

OK, so…

… are you sick of me yet? (damn, I miss my emoticons!)

I have three orders of business this morning. First, thank you to everyone who has come to take a peek at my new blog, and to those who have commented. Regarding comments, I think I’ve already discovered a BlogSpot glitch. Without any sort of rhyme or reason, a few of the comments people have posted showed up in my mailbox, but not on the blog itself. Folks, I have no clue why this happens, and if it happened to you, I’m sorry. Rest assured I have not deleted anyone’s comments.

BlogSpot indicated for commenters to sign in to some profile — Google, OpenID, what-have-you. You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. There is an “Anonymous” option, and then all you have to do is sign your name within the comment so I know who you are.

Second, Bonnie gave me a very funny shout-out on her blog; thank you, Sis! And speaking of Bonnie… I owe her an apology. You know, I subtitled my MySpace blog “Life, Love and Spanking According to Erica,” and when I moved here, I decided to take a variation of that as my main title. I didn’t know where I came up with that, not consciously anyway. Then last night I’m reading Bonnie’s blog, and what did my eye fall upon but her blog’s subtitle: “One Woman’s Celebration of Life, Love and Spankings.”

Ooops! Did I read that at some point and then subconsciously rip it off? Ugh! I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear! I’m sorry, Bonnie. I didn’t mean to be a copycat. (hanging head in shame) But do take it as a compliment, ’cause it is. (beaming)

And third, I need to see if I can post a picture within a blog properly. Testing, one, two, three….

Yayyy! It works! I don’t have to go through all that rigmarole of posting it to Photobucket or Flickr first, then copying the URL, then pasting it, then sizing it… blech!

Happy me!

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32 thoughts on “OK, so…

  1. Hi Erica,Apology? No way. We've both used variations of that tagline for years. I have no idea who subconsciously borrowed it from whom or whether we independently had the same good idea. Nor do I think that matters.Call this blog whatever you like!Hugs,Bonnie


  2. Hello my Erica i could NEVER EVER get sick of you.YOU ROCK,i have to admit that i am sick of a few people but i am not going there i know better than to do that.that would be very naughty of me and naughtyness is not allowed on your blog 🙂 WOW your bum is very red in your pic wish my bum was bionic like yours,i would have to have a warm up first before the real spanking starts or i would and hugs from your naughty girl Jade xoxo


  3. Now, what could possibly be going on in that photo? It looks great, so your test worked. Now, why is that hand positioned there? Maybe he is making sure you (that is you, right?) won't lose your balance. Yeah, that's it, he's making sure you don't fall. That is very nice of him. I hope you let him have a reward afterwards, something that would brighten your bottom, I mean, his day.


  4. Erica, I have heard other people complain about that comment glitch, but it has never happened to me personally. These things are sent to try us (possibly from the WordPress recruiting team).Hugs,Hermione


  5. You just upset me and that is not nice. Because of you, I just spent over a hour reading Bonnie's blog. The side links areoutstanding. Now, I need to check in daily and see what Bonnie has posted. She is a pro. I hope we get to see a lot more pictures on your blog. You need to learn from Bonnie her secret of the links on the right side of her blog- have not had this much fun in a while. OH – HI Bonnie –love your blog and thanks to Erica – I found it again – it's been years. I've had a rough couple of years but doing much better now. Hal


  6. Breaking news: Today's Philadelphia Inquirer has an article entitled "Paddling to save the environment."I am not sure how that works, but I believe we should all do our part.


  7. Bonnie — welllllll, OK, if you're sure. :-)Jade — don't you worry, I had a warmup with that one.Paul — yes, that's me. Uh huh, he's bracing me so I won't fall, that's it. And the damned environment can save itself, thankyouverymuch. (uh oh, I'm in trouble with the Sierra Club'ers now)Hermione — WordPress, schmordpress. They're too complicated.Hal dearest — so, let me get this straight — you loved Bonnie's blog, and yet you're upset? (heavy sigh) Yes, her "Good and Hot" links are wonderful. I catch up with all the latest from her page as well.


  8. Who did the spanking honors in this pic?


  9. That was Danny Chrighton.


  10. Well, I've finally found a way to comment on your blog (I had to download a different browser; typically, I use Firefox, but there is a bug in it). So happy that I can rejoin your ever-growing fan club. Great picture!


  11. Yayy! Glad it all worked. Firefox has a bug??? So much for people going on and on to me, "Oh, Internet Explorer sucks, IE is this, IE is that, Firefox is the best!" :-Þ


  12. Erica,I'm glad you finally ditched Myspace; now I can leave comments after I read your blog…even though my new name is "anonymous." You are smoking hot and I love to read what you write.


  13. hui,love your blog….the pic is fine.i just tried the anonymous trick with no i go,ddon


  14. As long as you sign your name, dd, I'll know who you are. Thanks. 🙂


  15. Tip to all: If you go to the Name/URL option and type your name, the name pops up where anonymous would be.Hi, Erica! Your blog is going swimmingly, hooray!


  16. Thanks for that tip, Lorraine. Everything helps, since I don't know how to fix anything on here! 😀


  17. Just trying something out. Wanted to see if my picture ID shows up when I post.


  18. Looks like it's starting to come together quite nicely over here away from the dust bunnies in the low rent district at MySpace.C


  19. You think? 🙂 Yeah, it's coming along well, for just being two days old.


  20. Hmmmm … so blogger ate my first comment? 😀 Darn it.


  21. Oh noooooooo! I'm sorry, Pixie.


  22. The Sierra Club'ers. Yes, only a spanko could subconscioulsy come up with a spanko term for environmentalists. I hear they have effective paddles for clubbing spankos. Although, I prefer to save a tree and use my hand.Paul Brozon


  23. Erica, I fell in love with you when I saw your spanking scenes in those 'Spanking Epic' movies. I can assure you I wish I could have raised those old-fashioned dressess that you wore, pulled down your old-fashioned bloomers, from your bottom, and given that voluptous bare bottoms of yours, the spanking of your life. Have a spanking good time in the future.


  24. Paul — of course you do.Six — thank you so much! I so miss Spanking Epics; working with them on their ambitious projects was a great joy for me.


  25. Erica, Well… it's about TIME! Blogspot is a much more congenial venue for your writing …. and now that you've found out how easy it is to post pictures, maybe we'll be seeing more of you. 😉 Keep up the good work; you are a funny, intelligent, challenging woman.Regards,Spenser


  26. Hi Spenser — yes, "it's about time" seems to be the general consensus! 🙂 Thank you for the nice compliments.


  27. Hi,Just peeked over here from Bonnie's blog. Looks great to me!


  28. I do like your blog. I just need to make sometime to get over here 🙂 Oh BTW I know they are not the emotioncons but you always go old school with 🙂 = Smile ;)= wink 😦 = Sad and (#Y#) = spanked 🙂


  29. Hi Em — welcome! :-)John — yeah, I know, I do use those. I really like emoticons, because they help relay a mood and an inflection a lot better than just written words. And in the case of sarcastic people (sheepishly raising hand), they tend to soften the barbs a bit!


  30. Sick of you? Miss you. Wish I could see you at ShadowLane this year, but too much going on the homefront. Sick of you? Wish there was a feature video coming out every other month or so featuring the one and only Erica. Sick of you? How could you ever say that?Redchief


  31. You're sweet, Redchief. Thank you. 🙂


  32. Sarcasm?? You mean people can use sarcasm online? LOL


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