Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Tonight’s blog…

… will have to wait until tomorrow. I have not received the photos from Mr. D yet.

His camera is brand new, and the removable thingamajig isn’t compatible with my old computer, because there isn’t any slot for it. (No comments from any of you.) I have USB ports, but that’s it. So he has to download and send the pictures to me when he gets home. Two weeks ago, he sent them right away, but he may have gotten distracted tonight. (sigh) Ah well. It was a lovely time, so it will be worth the wait. He even took a small clip of video, but has to figure out how he’s going to send it to me. I suggested RapidShare, but that site is confusing. Any other file-sharing sites that you guys like? I am such a dunce when it comes to this stuff.

I am liking this new friendship more and more. 🙂  Stay tuned.

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22 thoughts on “Tonight’s blog…

  1. Eagerly awaiting…!:)


  2. Glad to hear you had another fun night. What do you mean, no comments? Do you think someone will mention your lack of technology, like the wall of tapes that showed in the background of one of your pics? 😉


  3. Looking forward to it. Know nothing about file sharing, sorry.Also happen to have a wall of tapes. Video and audio, several thousand vinyl LPs, and a bunch of those other things — books, they were called 🙂


  4. Sorry can't help with the file sharing Eric. Happy to hear you had a fun night.Love,Ronniexx


  5. Hi Erica — I am so happy that you had a fun night :-)I am also happy that you like your new friendship with Mr.D more and more,that is GREAT news :-)I can't wait to see the pic's and the video clip.Much Love and hug's from your naughty girl Jade 🙂


  6. SC — me too! Haven't heard from him this morning either. I confess to a spot of nerves.Lea — no, I meant no comments about not having a slot, smartass. ;-)Emen — books are beautiful things. I hope they never go the way of the 8-track.Ronnie — s'OK. I got a private message from a computer whiz friend who gave me good suggestions. :-)Jade — as soon as I have them, I promise everyone else will too. 🙂


  7. I wish he'd hurry up! I want to live vicariously!


  8. Beth — I wish he would, too.


  9. Never ending technological upgrades are a colossal pain in the ass. He's probably learning as he goes. Glad it's working well with you two. I'm looking forward to the latest spanking recap. 🙂


  10. Kelly — I talked to him, finally. Was really getting worried! He promises he'll get on it after he's done with work; I'm thinking recap later tonight. 🙂


  11. I wonder if he'll try to shift the delay blame onto…Yikes!-YOU, Miss Scott! 🙂


  12. Kelly — humph. Stop suggesting trouble, will ya? 🙂


  13. tap:tap:tap:tap:… patience is not one of my virtues ya know. Not sure how much more of this waiting I can stand before I just have to come out there and show you two how to do it. (rofl)So.. if ya had one of those newfangled $99 printers.. they have those little SLOTS if you buy the right printer! So your Printer would then be able to talk to your laptop or desktop! (*just sayin'*)


  14. Zelle — (sigh) I have no idea how to work that. I still haven't heard back from him. I'm thinking he just had too much on his plate today. Sorry, guys.


  15. Gotcha! Oh those silly Tops.. they gotta do.. what they gotta do. And part of that.. is making us wait.. and wait.. and … (grinz):-)


  16. It's up, at last! 😀


  17. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILE TRANSFER:1. Pull chord in a rapid motion to start up gasoline engine (make sure to prime the pump!).2. Ease up on the clutch to avoid flooding the engine and gun the throttle a few times.3. Put the computer in "DRIVE"4. Insert REEL TO REEL tape drive into Mainframe Rack 7.5. Once the tape has been fed into the drive, hit "LOAD".6. Wait seven hours.7. When LOAD is complete, go to Amazon and search for "memory card adapter." Pay the 90 cents for the adapter.8. Shutthefuckup.


  18. Craig — oh, hush. Not everyone is as computer savvy as you. :-Þ


  19. Wow @Craig, Tell us how you really feel! Lol!


  20. Just funnin' ya…


  21. Lea: I've had a long standing tease with Erica about technology for a long time!


  22. Yes, I am a bit of a Luddite, 'tis true. 🙂


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