Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Good Friday, my ass

My apologies for the blasphemy. But it’s been a rough week.

John is proving to be a very difficult patient. He has been home since Sunday: on the plus side, he has managed a walk each day, has been able to bathe and wash his hair, has been able to sleep, his intestines seem to finally be settling down a bit. But he still has that cough, which is causing a lot of pain to his torso and chest. He’s had no appetite, which worries me. He says he’s not doing anything so he doesn’t need that many calories, but I say his body still needs nutrition in order to heal. He’s weighing himself every day and says he’s not losing weight, but still… He’s had a strange swelling and pain in his right ankle, which has worsened instead of getting better. This wouldn’t be an issue normally, but I am concerned about some sort of localized infection. Plus, he needs to be able to walk — it’s crucial for his recovery.

Every day, I have asked, then begged him to call his HMO and arrange for the home-care visits he’s entitled to. Every day, he’s given me an excuse why he didn’t. When we spoke this morning, he was talking about going into urgent care. Just exactly what he should NOT do — go sit around with a bunch of sick people in a waiting room for hours.

I’ll spare you all the arguing and the tears. Upshot? He has a home-care nurse coming this afternoon, and a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning. These are good things. But arriving at them was a battle. I’m worn out… and the weekend hasn’t even started. I’m headed over there to spend three days.

Deep breaths. Will work out before I go. Am eating. Am taking Airborne every day.

On the plus side, people continue to be kind and supportive. I am hoping to see Steve sometime next week for some desperately needed stress relief. Alex’s Paul even offered to help out with that, if Steve weren’t available. I was very touched by that. ♥

Speaking of Alex (go check out her new blog home!), we had lunch together yesterday, which stretched into an epic 5 1/2 hours of chatting and catching up. First time I’ve socialized since John’s surgery, and it was very good for me. During our time there, a couple sat in the booth behind us and they had one of the cutest dogs ever. This itty-bitty morsel of a dog, a teacup Yorkie. Normally I don’t care for dressed-up dogs, but it worked for this one — she was wearing a little sweater, had her hair pulled back out of her eyes with a topknot bow, and even had a tiny barrette! We both couldn’t resist going over to say hello, and she was very friendly, lapping up all the attention.


All right. Onward. For those who celebrate, hope you have a happy Easter weekend. Eat some chocolate for me. Naturally, I don’t do the giving things up for Lent bit, being Jewish, but this year, I do believe I gave up my sanity. Wish me luck in recovering it, will ya?

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15 thoughts on “Good Friday, my ass

  1. Mark on said:

    Good for you fighting him to get care. I’ve done that with mother, wife, and daughter. I’m convinced the problem is the fear of what they’ll hear if they get the help. They’d rather just believe what they want to believe, or at least not have their fears confirmed. You’ll be glad you fought for it, and so will he. It’s hard.

    You deserve a good spanking for doing the right thing when it was hard. Now is that counter-intuitive or what?


  2. I think John could have no better girl friend, Erica. Good for you to think about your own work out, and even better to spend time with blessed Alex,
    Just cook so deliciously that you will thoroughly enjoy and he will join: win-win.
    Hugs and virtual flowers – smell them?


  3. He should ask a doctor or nurse for a cough suppressant if it is getting too painful. Guys NEVER make very good patients since they always think they don’t need any help and are extraordinarily stubborn. Sometimes I wish they would realize there is no shame in needing or asking for help. Good luck this weekend! Love you both!


    • Mark — I hope to get that next week.

      MrJ — I may be a good girlfriend, but I suck as a caretaker. Thanks for the virtual flowers. 🙂

      Jay — thanks, hon. Oh my god, stubborn doesn’t even begin to cover it. I bought him some lozenges, but maybe we can get something better tomorrow.


  4. Hi Erica — I am so glad that, John took your advice about getting a nurse.It is also good,that he is seeing the doctor,He needs to find out why his ankle is swollen 😦 Things may be a little dark now, but you will both see that, in the end it was all worth it 🙂 I think you are a WONDERFUL caretaker. I bet you can’t wait to see Steve, A Spanking will do you some good 🙂 It will take a lot of that stress away. Sending you virtual Sees chocolates 🙂 Sending you both much Love and hugs from naughty girl Jade/ Emily Jean


  5. BlueMark on said:

    Glad that you were able to have some enjoyable socializing time with Alex!


  6. Michael in Texas on said:

    I had a blood clot in my leg last year whose symptoms were first a sore and then a sore and swollen foot and ankle, so I hope that’s not what’s wrong, because it’s a mess to take care of. It’s hard to see how he could have sprained it when he can hardly move. Maybe he slept on it wrong?

    I’m sufficiently narrow-minded that it seems contradictory to me that a cute little froo-froo dog would be owned by a guy with that many arm tattoos. It’s like a motorcycle gang member wearing a lace doily. This demonstrates that reality is more complicated and interesting than my presuppositions.

    Good luck this weekend. That much togetherness might be stressful even under good conditions.

    Michael in Texas


  7. Dale on said:

    Erica – you are the BEST!!! Keep up the good work and keep up the good fight – – its all worth it in the end… and if at any time you find yourself on the East Coast, I would be happy to oblige take over for Steve and Paul 🙂 Keep taking care of yourself, too.. BIGGGG HUGGGGG


  8. The title sounds like you were surprised by a picture on a billboard or something: “Good Friday!! My ass!!”

    Meanwhile, back at the Topic, I hope you got some help being Toppy with your man from the nurse and all is better.

    And whoddathought to find a little Ewok during lunch?!


  9. There is no doubt about it; sometimes a fighter’s necessary streak of stubborn and ornery is his own worst enemy. I hope John soon settles to fighting only your common enemy. In the meantime the odd whack of a heavy duty frying pan should keep him in line. I hope you have one and keep it handy. Best wishes for a less stressed Easter.


  10. Sorry you are going through this tough time. I’m happy that John is following your advice at last. My prayers to you both and I’m glad you had Alex and Paul to fall back on… I’d have offered to help too if I was there 😉

    take care and my very best to John

    John Osborne


  11. Mark — she is the best.

    Michael — no, it’s not a blood clot this time. He had one last year, but it resolved. The doctor thinks it’s plantar fasciitis. He has to stay off it for a while and is walking with a cane.

    Dale — noooo, I’m hardly the best. You wouldn’t have thought so if you’d seen me this weekend. But thank you.

    Wolfie — ha! Yeah, she did look a little like an ewok, huh.

    John — thanks, sweetie. Friends are very good things. 🙂


  12. Sorry to hear things are tough.
    As far as being a caretaker remember to give yourself some slack. Being a caretaker is tough, trying (spelling?) and no easy task – for anyone.

    The fact that you are there and doing your best is a huge deal.
    Here’s to better days hopefully soon.



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