Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Fun post ahead

I’m still here! Just been busy with work, but today has been amazing so far. Steve picked me up this morning and we went on a road trip into the Santa Monica mountains, to hike and get up into some mischief. It was fresh after a rain, and everything was sparkling and clear and the sky was as blue as I’ve ever seen it. It was 56 degrees and so a bit chilly, but by the time we’d hiked up to a remote area, I’d warmed up enough to shed my clothes. All of them. πŸ˜€ He took a bunch of pictures, but they’re on his camera and he has to go through them, crop, reduce, fix lighting, etc. He promised to send them to me sometime tomorrow, and then I’ll write in more detail.

Back home working, until it’s dinnertime and then I’m meeting Alex and SpankCake. It’s the first time we’ve seen each other in 2016; been too long! Lots to catch up on. Big weekend play party at the end of February — must make plans!

Work has been steadily copious, which is great. I definitely have enough to take me through the rest of the week. In other news… no, I am not watching any of the political stuff. No debates. No caucuses (cauci?). Hell, I don’t even watch the news at night anymore. So I’m remaining as blissfully ignorant as I can. Today, a friend on Facebook posted that he “hates caucuses.” I commented, “What’s wrong with caucuses? They’re the easiest plants to take care of.”Β πŸ˜‡

So anyway, more to come! Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with today’s head-scratcher, a search phrase I just discovered:

spanking skakanka

WTF is that??



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7 thoughts on “Fun post ahead

  1. Haven’t been to your blog in a while. Can’t tell you why(bad job by me). I don’t have much to say other than I’m glad you had a good time in Santa Monica. Oh, and mainly I wanted to say hi. So Hi!


  2. SH — hi to you too!


  3. Jadelyn Mathias on said:

    Hi Erica β™‘ You’re blog is always awesome πŸ™‚ I Love reading it πŸ˜‰ Going to read the one you just put up a few minutes ago. I am just as clueless as you are as to what that word means, It must be made up because I have never heard of it either LOL β™‘ Much Love and hugs always from naughty girl Jade / Emily Jean xxxxx β™‘


  4. Jade — well, no one else has guessed either, so I figure no one knows what it means!


  5. Not skakanka, but skakalka.
    This is the Russian word, it means skipping-rope πŸ™‚


  6. Michael — OK, thank you! Now the question remains, what the hell does that have to do with spanking?


Come on, you know you want to say something.