Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Brief interruption here…

Just breaking off from the goings-on of the day to say that it looks like I’m playing tomorrow for the first time in what feels like forever and I’m excited and I’m nervous AF and I can’t concentrate on my work to save my @#$%ing life and why isn’t it tomorrow yet and what should I wear and and and…

deep breath

Okay. Back to work. It’s been a brutal week, emotionally, but I am so hoping it will end with a dose of joy and much-needed feel-good chemicals.

Stay tuned…

EDIT 2/15: Late afternoon today has been rescheduled to 1:00 tomorrow. Stay tuned a little longer…

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15 thoughts on “Brief interruption here…

  1. Good luck, and I hope everything goes well tomorrow! I love you, SIS! πŸ«‚β€οΈ


  2. honeybeariam on said:

    It’ll be good for you.


  3. Mary P Benner on said:

    YES YES YES have fun!!!!!


  4. How exciting! Hope we get to hear all about it πŸ™‚


  5. I’m so hoping that it goes really well for you!! But remember, if it isn’t great, it doesn’t mean it will never be great. I hope you’ll find a good way to balance hope with realistic expectations. But …. 🀩 eek πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


  6. Jay — I love you too, SIS!

    rb — thank you!

    honeybear — I sure hope so.

    Mary — thank you so much.

    nora — I am thinking there will be report of sorts, yes.

    Shilo — very good point. I’m trying to be realistic about it; it’s been a long time. The good news is I know this person, have for several years, seen him at parties, etc. But… we’ve never played before. So yeah, there’s definitely an EEK factor going on!


  7. I am confident it will be terrific. You deserve that.


  8. bklynny0856 on said:

    May all of your wishes come true!πŸŽ†πŸ”₯


  9. Hope you had a well deserved blast, Erica.


    • Bob — I absolutely did. Thank you. I’ll write a post soon; just checking with him about how much detail I can mention (names, etc.). I’m always discreet that way; no one is named unless they want to be.


  10. Erica , I sincerely hope you get the daylights spanked out of you to the point that you reach that subspace you need and love. I hope that everytime you sit for the next week yo are reminded of that feeling and recall it in detail ! Or recall it β€œon de tail β€œ πŸ˜‚. Hella way to wish one s good day huh .

    Damn the 2000 miles


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