Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

Uh oh, look out…


Yup. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now we have a full month of ho-ho-horsesh*t to look forward to. And the Grinch has arrived! Damn, I hope Steve will be available. I will need him. Hell, everyone around me will need him too. 😀

My Thanksgiving was exactly what I wanted. It was cold and cloudy outside, and I was cozy and warm inside, doing some work, drinking hot cider, binge-watching Masters of Sex, and savoring a whole mini pumpkin pie with Cool Whip. Today, I’m ready to rejoin the living, but no Black Friday shopping for me. I’d rather have root canal. I don’t care if they were giving the stuff away — just the thought of a mall parking lot gives me a rash.

Anyway… all snarking aside, I hope my friends and chosen family had a good holiday, if you celebrate it. And don’t forget, it’s not too late to cast your nominations for the Spanking Awards!

Have a great weekend, y’all. 🙂

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14 thoughts on “Uh oh, look out…

  1. zzzzzzz…


  2. Ellen — is that a turkey tryptophan buzz, or a commentary on the content? 🙂


  3. anonymous on said:

    I had a great Thanksgiving. Everyone was well behaved-no nastiness distributed. 🙂

    Recently I overheard a co-worker mention to someone that various Black Friday product on sale such as super cheap TV sets are typically poorly made POS products and not worth the “savings”with shorter life spans.


  4. Anonymous on said:

    Hi Erica,
    I am the original xmas Grinch, also coming from a long line of Grinches. So this year we continue with the tradition that every one in our extended family collects the money that would have been spent on presents and gives it to a charity that is trying to do some good in the community.

    This year we are donating to a local group who is trying to bring a little cheer to the victims of a wild fire that raged through the outer suburbs of our capital city this week. ( 2 deaths, 18 critically injured, 85 properties totally destroyed, thousands of wild and domestic animals killed) They are collecting for a community xmas lunch for those who have lost every thing with care packs especially for the children of the victims. We have offered to spend our xmas day assisting with lunch.

    So in the true spirit of Grinch-hood….Ho, ho, F#$@ing Ho! Lets hope that all your xmas wishes come true (hopefully Steve can help with that)
    Downunder Don


  5. Don — that is a very non-Grinchy and lovely thing you and your family do. ♥


  6. Erica. the TV program called the “Masters of Sex”, was excellent. All the episodes were in my opinion first class. It seems when done in a professional manner the subject of sex in all its varieties can be handled with dignity. XXX luv ya.


  7. Six — I’m halfway through Season 2. It’s fascinating and brilliantly acted, albeit a bit dark. I wonder if Dr. Masters was as dour and unpleasant as the show portrays him.


  8. I’m so glad your Thanksgiving was exactly how you wanted it! Mine was too! Actually this whole week was perfect. Here’s to hoping the rest of the week is too!! Really hope Steve is around for you the next couple of weeks!!!


  9. KB — glad to hear that!


  10. Glad you had great celebrations! Hope you won’t have to go cold turkey. 😉


  11. smuccatelli on said:

    I’ve never been a big Christmas fan; not since I was a kid. As far as I’m concerned, “Ho, ho, ho!” is a pimp doing a head count…

    Love “Masters of Sex”, but I agree with you. Masters seems to be a real prick. Of course given his upbringing, it’s a wonder he isn’t a full-blown psycho. The credits always mention that the various children of his and Virginia Johnson are entirely fictional so I’m guessing a lot of this show takes considerable liberties with the facts of the real life Masters and Johnson. We do know that eventually they were married and then divorced some years later. I wonder when they’ll get to that…


  12. Bobbie Jo on said:

    My brother picked me up and took me down to Sac and Mimi’s for dinner and we had family and friends there, too. There was seven of us and we had a good meal and good conversation. I didn’t get home until dark, but that was ok. I had a good time. Come next month, we will have dinner again and that will be it.


  13. MrJ — me too.

    Smuccatelli — Masters and his first wife did have a boy and girl, just as they do on M of S, but they had different names. I guess they’ll get to Masters and Johnson marrying later — they didn’t do so until the 70s, I think.

    Bobbie Jo — sounds good to me!


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