Erica Scott: Life, Love and Spanking

Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken spanko and unapologetic attention wh–, um, hog.

I get by…

…with a little help from my friends.

Hey, that’s catchy. Someone ought to set that to music sometime.

This happened a couple of weeks ago, but due to what was going on in the country, I figured I’d postpone it for a while.

We all know the spanking scene is a mixed bag. But one of the things I’ve always loved over the years is the solidarity many of us share. We have each other’s back(sides). And sometimes, it’s not just about playful bratting or what have you. Sometimes, the subjects are serious.

About 3 1/2 years ago, a friend of mine wrote a post on FetLife. In it, she took a bold stance: she stated that she would not play with anyone who is a Trump supporter. She listed her reasons why; it was a well-written, detailed post, no name-calling, just stating her position and why.

As you can imagine, the comments flowed. Some were supportive. Some were neutral. And of course, many others were nasty. I felt like I wanted to do something to support her, so people would see she’s not alone in this stance.

So I posted this picture:

I said I was doing this in solidarity with [her name], and I made it my avatar. Aaaaand the comments rolled in. Most were supportive. But of course, some were nasty.

And then, much to my delight, the incomparable Michael Masterson posted this picture:

He captioned it with “In support of my girl Erica Scott, who has the courage to make her voice heard, I offer you this.” My comment? “I love you, Mike.”

(Sorry about the editing, but the pic was a bit too gynecological. I figured it took away from the message.)

Anyway, cut to the present. I decided it was time to dump the old avatar and put up a new picture. So I chose this one from the end of 2019 (because 2020 was sadly lacking in play).

What is it we FetLife veterans know? No matter what kind of picture you put up, some people aren’t going to like it. And some people won’t hesitate to let you know they don’t like it, and why. You’re wearing panties. You’re not wearing panties. You’re too heavy, you’re too thin, you’re too old, you’re too young, etc. etc. The picture is too graphic. The picture isn’t graphic enough. And of course, one of my favorites: if it shows the results of a spanking, you get the ‘I could have done a better job’ comments.

Sure enough, the picture wasn’t up five minutes when I got this right off the bat:

Not red or bruised enough… just saying. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰

Really?? And is the “wink, wink” supposed to make it okay?

I mean, come on. If you’re of the persuasion of preferring more graphicly walloped bottoms, you have thousands to choose from on FetLife. Knock yourself out. Go look at the pictures of butts that look like they were pounded with a meat cleaver and then thrown on a barbecue grill, and have a wank-fest. Why bother stopping to comment on mine if you don’t like it?

Sheesh. I hadn’t put up a new picture on Fet in ages, and right out of the gate, I hear from the basement critics. But I didn’t want to start a thing on FetLife, so I didn’t reply to the comment. However, I did go on Twitter and grouse about it, saying that I really wanted to answer, “Who the fuck asked you?” but I’d refrain.

Next thing I knew, my buddy Sarah (not Gregory; a different Sarah I’ve mentioned on here, she of the full-body tackle hugs at parties) tweeted to me: “Allow me… BRB.” And within a minute, I saw I had a notification on Fet of a new comment. I went to look, and nearly fell on the floor.

Below the guy’s comment, Sarah had typed:

[His name]: Who the fuck asked you? šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰

But wait, there’s more: Within minutes, the guy commented back to her. I braced myself for some vitriol, figuring I’d have to step in at some point. But all he wrote was:

Good comment. šŸ™‚

Well, how about that. I chose to interpret that as saying, “Yeahhhh, you’re right, I guess that was kind of a dumb thing to say.” No harm done. And the picture got a lot more attention after that. Sarah, you really do rock. šŸ˜€

Not that I spend much time on FetLife these days, anyway. I’m usually there to network about parties, or post about scenes I’ve had. And what with Covid, there’s been none of that. Still… it’s nice to know your friends still look out for you. ā™„ I miss everyone so much. The February party has already been canceled, but we are hoping for Labor Day.

Final note: Regarding this week’s momentous occasion, I will say just one thing and then leave it alone.

Four years ago, my stepmother, then 85 and in poor health, was in complete despair over Trump’s presidency. She wrote to me: “I was born during one the country’s darkest times [the Great Depression], and I’m probably going to die during another one.” That broke my heart. I was afraid she wouldn’t stick around; that she’d get so despondent, she’d give up and stop fighting.

Yesterday, she emailed me and said, among other things, “After Biden’s speech, I broke down and sobbed like a child.” She’s now 89. But she’s still with me. She made it. She hung in there long enough to watch us all come out the other side. And I’m so very grateful. It sickened me to the core that the Honorable Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn’t live to see this, but damn, this sure helps soothe that pain.

That’s all, folks. Have a great weekend. Stay safe.

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12 thoughts on “I get by…

  1. Lol, I hardly go on Fet either, but did see those comments after you mentioned it, unusually well handled, on both sides, honestly. šŸ˜Š

    I’m SO happy for your stepmother, that’s wonderful. It has felt like such a dark time, and things aren’t just going to be all good now, but there’s definitely a tangible positive shift. When I spoke to my doctor yesterday, he said if everything goes the way it’s looking, they should have vaccines for everyone in about a month!!


  2. Bob in Wisconsin on said:

    First, as to the fellow who left the snarky and pointless comment, I’ve only recently become aware of a category of internet trolls that you probably know all about but that I hadn’t heard of before ā€” “reply guys.” They habitually reply to social media posts in an annoying manner ā€” especially to posts by women. I suppose they post before they think, often to be the first in line among the other reply guys. Who knows what else motivates them. In any case, it sounds as if your friend Sarah’s retort (“Who the fuck asked you?”) was the perfect response. And, surprisingly, it generated a positive response.

    Second, and I’ll be far more brief, your stepmother rocks! May she live even longer and prosper.


  3. Lily — oh yes, we’ve got a looooong-ass way to go. But at least we’re going in the proper direction now. Things are so slow and screwed up here in L.A. with the vaccines, but I’m hoping that will be turned around soon.

    Bob — yeah, the whole thing worked out all the way around! Usually doesn’t go quite that way. I may be a bit oversensitive, but you know, after years of stupid critiques, you get that way. I swear, I posted a picture on Fet once and a guy didn’t like the style of panties I was wearing (they were cheekies). His comment? “Yuck!”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your new Fetlife picture is lovely. Bravo to Sarah for standing up for you.

    I watched the inauguration and thought Biden’s speech was magnificent. Now if only you can rid the Senate of the wackos, and the House of gun-carriers, he might have a good chance of righting the country.



  5. A lot here to address. First off, I don’t care what platform one is on, I think that anyone who actually lives the lifestyle they profess and is brave enough to share revealing pictures deserves respect not criticism. And that goes for the loveliest or most plain, because the value of living it and sharing it far outweighs the snarky gripes of probable wannabes with vocal and often critical opinions.

    Second, one’s play choices are personal. If they include a political limitation, that is the person’s business. Last time I checked we still managed to retain that right. Even a far right might not want to be smacked by a Biden supporter and while that may not align with our views, it’s their right as well. So again, to those criticizing it? As appealing as clever eloquence can be, sometimes a simple “fuck off!” is in order. Direct and to the point. LOL

    Third, as I said on Hermione’s blog, I am certainly breathing several sighs of relief, but I am also keeping a pretty watchful eye open because I said then that this isn’t over, and recent events and interactions between McConnell, Schumer, and others …..mere hours after the inauguration, indicate that anything professed the day of the Capitol raid, sure didn’t last that long.

    Fourth, my dear online friend, Merry, convinced me to join Fetlife a while back and I did. I was disappointed from the start. ANY interest at all lasted about a week. LOL. Not for me. I think I still have an account but I can’t even remember the last time I tried to get in.

    And lastly….. I think your selfie is charming.


  6. All the best Erica, stay safe and sane šŸ™‚ And nice pic BTW šŸ˜‰


  7. Hermione — yeahhh… he’s up against a confederacy of dunces for sure.

    KD — I like your comments; you put so much thought into them. I agree with all you say, including FetLife. Believe me, though, it used to be a much better place. As for Biden, he’s one man, not a Messiah or a miracle worker. It’s going to take a ton of work to undo all the shit Trump dumped on us, and he’ll be facing a lot of opposition.

    Kyrel — Safe, trying. Sane? Gave up on that long ago. Thanks.


  8. Bob Stanton on said:

    I am glad your stepmother lived to see Trump out of office, Although there are a lot of twists and turns history is the story of the introduction, adoption and acceptance of liberal ideas. One hundred years ago women voting was a new and controversial idea. Child labor laws, old age pensions, environmental regulation and health care insurance were at best dreams. Trump will be relegated to the dustbin of history. As to Ginsberg she should have taken Obama’s invitation to retire and assure a better justice then Amy Barrett.


  9. Anonymous on said:

    You are to be admired for staying true to your convictions and values, and never wavering in spite of the anonymous mouth-breathers who can only engage in vicious vitriol. None of these losers would have the remotest chance of having a normal civilized exchange with a lovely, appealing woman. Stay strong Erica.
    – – All of these idiots who call themselves “incels” might have a slight chance of meeting and engaging with women if they perhaps acquainted themselves with soap and water, combed the flies out of their beards, and learned how to address females without calling them b****es or c***s.


  10. Bob — Trump, unfortunately, had more of an impact than many of us can imagine. He unearthed all the buried hatred and gave it a voice, gave it validation. History will not be kind to him, but it won’t be kind to us, either.

    Anonymous — thank you. I have my share of haters, so I’m used to it. The support is much appreciated. ā™„


  11. Anonymous on said:

    Have you ever worked / played with Michael Masterson? I don’t recall any videos featuring you two together. Maybe when things return to “normal” you could create some magic together.


Come on, you know you want to say something.